Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 77
what he alleageth agst the deft. The deft craueth tht the plf be
nonsuited, wch is Ordered accordingly.
P. C. R.
Uppon the Petn of Richard Hix, agst Sampson Waring, for per-
mitting one Thomas Branson to depart out of his custody, (hee being
then Sheriffe) & who was indebted to the Petr in 800l Tob. & under
exequuon &c: Respited till next Court.
Hix v. War-
Uppon the petn of John Reade, complayning agst Capt Willm
Mitchell, ffor tht hee the sd Mitchell had disposed of the one halfe of
a mare, wch mare was betwixt the Pete & the sd Mitchell; The halfe
aforesd cost the Petr 1600l Tob. And now the sd Mitchell hauing sold
the whole mare, contrary to agreemt made, & wthout the Pet" priuity,
The sd Capt Mitchell deft being called, & not appearing, nor any
Attorney for him, to make answere thereto, It is Ordered tht the Pef
may take Attatchmt uppon any the Estate, of the sd Mitchell, if he
please; bringing him thereby, to a Legall tryall, may obtaine satis-
faction, according to his demand, Attatchmt to the Sheriffe of Caluet,
according to the Order Ret. next prouinciall Court, to be holden in
Septembr next.
Reade v.
Robert Taylor deposed, Sayth, tht the Bill of 1600l of Tob, wch
James Jolley passd unto Timothy Goodridge was for a Boy serut
wch Willm Philips hath now receiued of the abouesd Timothy, This
Dept sayth, tht when the sd Timothy came to this Deponts howse, he
heard the sd Timothy promise the sd Jolley his Bill againe of 1600l
Tob. But att tht pent Timothy had it not about him, but told him hee
should haue it, & further this Depont sayth not. This Deposn is
acknowledged in this Court.
Januar. 2d, 1657, taken by Woodman Stockly & Willm Parrott
Giles Sadler deposeth, saying tht he being att an agreemt betwixt
Timothy Goodridge & James Jolley, heard the sd Timothy promise
the sd Jolly if in case he had the serut againe: Then the sd Timothy
would returne the sd Jolley his Bill againe for the seruant, & further
this Depont sayth not
Sworne 2d Jan. by Commis" Supra
This Deposn is allso acknowledged before this Court.
Uppon the Petn of Timothy Goodridge plf agst James Jolley deft,
touching the suite depending betwixt them, & not determined, but
referred to the next Court: & crauing a finall issue therein, A Jury
is desyred by them, & Graunted.
Warrt to the Sheriffe to summone a Jury of 12 men forthwth
Sheriffe Returneth his writt & warned.
Goodridge v.
p. 42
Symon Ouerzee
John Potts
John Ashcomb.
Henry Hooper
Peter Joy
Arthure Wright
Walter Hall
Philip Land
John Whinfell
Willm Dorington
Rich: Hix
James Lindsey