76 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
of Tob. & cask, But yor Petrs cannot euidence the truth of their case,
att common Law, because the sd Lands engagemt is since casually
lost, Yor Petrs therfore pray tht the sd Philip Land may be compelled
to sett forth the truth of all the premises uppon oath; tht soe yor Petrs
may by yor Honrs Order haue such releife, as in yor Graces Judgm"
shall seeme to bee agreeable, to right, equity & good conscience. And
yor Honrs Pet" shall eue pray &c :
Ph: Lands answere.
To the honble the Goue & Councell of Maryland.
Whereas John Cornelius & Walter Pakes haue preferred a Bill in
Chancery agst me Philip Land, concerning 200 Acres of Land sold
by mee to the sd Cornelius & Pake, I gyuing them a Bill of sale for
the sd Land, & warranting the sale thereof, agst iust claimes, And
moreouer certifyed them, tht Mr Lewger would giue them the
Certificate of the Bownds of the sd 200 Acres; wch Mr Lewger told
mee, hee had promised to them, But they pretended there was noe
Land to be fownd till now as I know of, And now I haue prouided
the Land according to my Couenant wth them, They would (as far
as I conceiue) not pay the Tob. notwthstanding Walter Pake did
promise Capt John Barriffe paymt of the sd Bill att Patuxt & Capt
Barriffe accepted of it, in Leiw of a Bill hee had of mine, wch he
brought out of Virginia. And this is in answere to the Bill in
Chancery, wch is nothing but the Truth, as neare as I can remembr
to the wch I will be ready to make Oath.
Phillip Land.
I desyre tht they who were att the bargaine making may be sworne
& Mr John Lewger.
p. 41
Uppon the Bill exhibited in Chancery by John Cornelius & Walter
Pake agst Philip Land. James Veitch sworne in open Court, sayth,
That Mr Land sold 200 Acres of Land to the exhibiters, & was by
condicon (wch this Dept drew) to procure & giue them a Pattt when
Pattts were to be graunted, & to deliuer them possesn of the sd 200
Acres of Land in the winter following, And the Court finding That
the Deliuery of the Land, was not made by Philip Land, as was
requyred, as Capt Willm Euans testifyed uppon Oath deliuered in
Court, It is Ordered tht the Exhibiters haue their Bill returned, &
gyuen up to them wthout further trouble, And because the Bill was
not in Mr Lands hands but by Assigmts made ouer to Mr Symon
Ouerzee. It is further Ordered That the Bill being gyuen up to the
Exhibiters by Order aforesd, That Philip Land pay to Mr Symon
Ouerzee Two Thowsand pownds of Tob. to whom the Bill was
assigned, & had the sd Bill in possesn wth Costs of suite to the
Land v.
Uppon the demand of Philip Land plf, agst Willm Marshall deft
in an accon of the case for 2000l Tob. The plf not being able to proue