Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 75
Sheriffe returneth his writt, & warned
P. C. R.
James Veitch
Richard Hix
Walter Pakes
Willm Marshall
James Lindsey
John Potts
Willm Berry
Owen James
Robt Kingsbury
Michael Baysey
Thomas Belcher
John Reade.
And a while after the Court being Satte, The Jury returned their
Verdict in Writing (Viz) Wee find for the plf Seauen hundd pownds
of Tob, wth costs of suite. And the Court Ordered tht the Verdict
of the Jury be entred for the Judgmt
Uppon the demand of Cornelius Johnson plf agst Henry Thick-
penny deft, in an accon of debt, The plf being called, & not appearing,
It is Ordered tht in case the plf appeare not before the last day of
this Court, hee be nonsuited, & pay charges of Court.
Johnson v.
Vid. Order
P. 46
Sub pena to the Sheriffe attending the Court, to warne Robt
Taylor & Giles Sadler, to make their personall appearance wthout
delay, to testify in a cause, depending, betwixt James Jolley, &
Timothy Goodridge att Jolley's request.
v. Jolly
To the Rt honble the Goue & Councell for the Prouince of Mary-
land, sitting in the Couet of Chancery
p. 40
The humble Petn of John Cornelius & Walter Pake, Sheweth, That
Philip Land in June last was Tweluemonth sold to yor Petes 200
Acres of Land, Lying att the upper end of Abbingtons Cliffts in
Patuxt Ryuer, for 2000l of Tob & cask, And subscribed an ingagemt
in writing under his hand for pe formance thereof; Thereby obliging
himselfe in Septembr then next coming to deliuer yor Petes full &
quiett possesll thereof, & then to make them a firme Bill of Sale wth
warranty agst all persons, & (a Couent to procure them att his owne
charge (assoone as Pattents were to be obteyned) a Pattt in their
names for the sd Land: & thereuppon, & uppon noe other consideraon
yor Petrs passed their Specialty to the sd Philip Land, for the paymt
of 2000l of Tob & cask att a day past. That the Land soe sold, was
neuer shewen to yor Petes nor any possesn euer tendred, nor any
performance att all since made, By meanes whereof the sd Specialty
passed by yor Petes became insignificant & Voydable, in all equity &
good conscience: & ought to haue bene uacated, But the sd Land
intending to deceiue & defraud yor Petes wthout their consents or
priuity assigned the sd Specialty to Capt John Barrife deceased: &
soe it came by Ires of admistraon to Capt Willm Euans; who since
assigned the same to Mr Symon Ouerzee & yor Petes are in danger of
being sued thereuppon, allthough noe performance hath bene made
of the consideraon uppon wch the sd Specialty was passed, That yoe
Petrs are damnifyed by the sd Lands not performance aboue 10000l
Cornelius et
al. v. Land