72 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
that disease he then had. And then after the sd Woodroffe had
serued the sayd Wade his time abouesd Then he to haue for his sd
seruice Eleauen hundd pownds of Tob. a cloath suite, & a Canuas
suite, & shirts, shooes & stockins. And further sayth That Wood-
roffe was in a Course of phisick, some time in March. And the sd
Woodroffe went out of Mr Wades seruice, in January following:
But the sd Wade told him he was not then free of his seruice, &
forewarned him of goeing away, or to tht effect, & further Sayth not.
John Wade plf , declareth by Petn how tht he entred into Condicons
wth Willm Woodroffe deft (about Decembr 1655) to cure the sd
Woodroffe of the malady wherewth he then was diseased, & to giue
him the sd Woodroffe Eleauee hundd pownds of Tob, One Cloth suite
& one Canuase suite, Two shirts Three payre of shooes, & Two payre
of stockins. In consideraon whereof the sd Woodroffe was to serue
the plf one compleat yeare, after the effecting of the sd cure. But the
sd Woodroffe deft hath not only neglected the performance of the
P 37
condicon of seruice, for the effecting & perfecting the cure by the plf
uppon the deft, But allso during the plfs absence, by illegall, sinister
Vide 10 Md.
Arch., 496
wayes & proceedings att a Court held att Patuxt 21 March 1656,
obteyned iudgmt & exequuon thereon followed, agst the plf. This
Cause putt to a Jury warrt to the Sheriffe to empannell a Jury of 12
men wthout delay. John Wade Chyrurgeon sayth uppon oath in open
Court, That when hee gaue Willm Woodroffe That last physick, hee
gaue it him for the pefecting of tht cure. And by reason of the hard
winter, hee could not effect it sooner. This Potion, hee cannot
sweare to a day when it was gyuen him only he uerily thinketh, tht it
was neare about the middle of March.
Sheriffe returneth his warrt & warned
Symon Ouerzee
Sampson Warren
Philip Land
Walter Fakes
Walter Hall
Robert Taylor
John Odber
John Ashcomb
James Lindsey
Peter Joy,
Timothy Goodrick
James Veitch,
The Jury brought in their Verdict in writing (Viz) The Jury
finds for the plf, Six weeks seruice, from the deft: wth three hundd
pownds of Tob. Wch Tob. the deft illegally obteyned, by false in-
formaon gyuen to the late Court, And for the pifs dammage Wee
humbly leaue it to the Court, Ordered, that the Verdict of the Jury,
bee entred for the Judgmt As to the dammage & the Verdict of the
Jury together, It is Ordered by the Court That the deft shall serue
the plf, One whole yeare from this day; or giue in security to pay
to the plf Two Thowsand pownds of Tob this next ensuing Crop,
And the plf is to pay the deft, Cloathes, shirts, shooes & stockins,
according to his Covent
Hide v.
Uppon the demand of Philip Hide plf, agst Stephen Gary deft
for Two Thowsand pownds of Tob.