Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658. 73
James Veitch sayth uppon oath in open Court, that there was an
agreemf made betwixt Phil: Hyde, & Stephen Gary for 300 Acres
of Land, And that Philip Hide, did confirme the sd Land unto
Stephen Gary, Whereuppon the sd Gary passed his Bill for 5000l
Tob, to be payd uppon demand to the best of his remembrance.
Thomas Seymour allso declareth uppon Oath, That, concerning
the former bargaine, the plf could not performe his Couent And
thereuppon the deft would not pay the Tob. to the plf, yett after
Mr Reuell agreed to giue to the plf 3000l Tob. & gett the Land how
hee could.
John Ashcomb likewise sayth uppon Oath That hauing conference
with Randall Reuell, the sd Reuell told this Depont tht he had bought
halfe of the sd Plantaon, And tht hee would send up seruants —
hands — to plant uppon it. And further he doubted not, but to make
his peace, wth his Lps Officers here.
Wherefore it was considered by the Court uppon this & other
P. C. R.
Vide Philip
Hides Bill of
Sale, infra
fol. 95
euidence That the sd Gary & Reuell are partners in the Land, And tht
the rather because the deft confesseth, tht Reuell did deliuer up the
former Condicon made betweene him the sd deft & the plf wch unlesse
hee were partner wth Gary would not haue left in his hand. It is
therfore Ordered that the deft (Randall Reuell lyuing in Accomack)
pay to the ptf Seuen hundd fowrteene pownds of Tob, the remainder
of the demand.
P. 38
Uppon the demand of Dauid fferiera plf, agst John Tunnis deft
for three hundd seauenty two pounds of Tob. The Deft acknowl-
edgeth Three hundd fifty six pownds of Tob. & hath putt in Mr
Thomas Belcher security for the sd three hundd fifty six pownd as
aforesd wch Robt Kingsberry the Attorney of the plf hath accepted.
Feriera v.
Uppon the demand of Thomas Hussey plf, agst John Hammond
deft for one thowsand three hundd pownds of Tob. in cask, Anne
Hammond the deft Attorney, being lawfully warned, & not appear-
ing & John Lewger the ptfs Attorney, being indebted unto the deft,
for one hundd thirty fowre pownd of sugar, desyres tht he may
ballance that debt of sugar wth the Tobacco wch is due from the deft
to him, And uppon default of the defts Attorney not appearing,
uppon her law full summons, as was uerifyed, It is Ordered tht the
plf, shall recover agst the Estate of John Hammond, husband to the
sayd Anne whose Attorney shee is, one thowsand three hundd pownds
of Tob. according as is mentioned & specifyed in the defts Bill.
The Court adiorned by the Gouernoe till to morrow morning 8
Hussey v.