66 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1658.
P. C. R.
& distributing it amongst them, might pay themselues soe far as it
would amount. And Mr Richard Preston cheife & greatest Credr
came & declared in open Court that he freely forgaue the poore
Widow, what is due to himselfe from the sd Deceased. And Proc-
lamaon being made for the other Credes to enter & make their
demands. Willm Berry one of the Credes demanded fowre hundred
& Seauenty pownds of Tob. out of the sd Estate. And Certaine
Coopers Timber att Abdalon Martins poynt, belonging to the De-
ceased is allowed him in Satisfaction of his sayd demand. The other
Credes came into Court, allso, & willingly forgaue all their Debts.
And the Relict is there uppon by Order of this Court discharged
from all claimes & Debts touching that her Estate.
Coursey v.
Uppon the demand of Henry Coursey plf. agst Michael Basey
deft. The ptf not appearing but only by his Attorney John Coursey.
& the demand being abouut Accompts, & somthing intricate. It is
therfore respited till next Court, untill Mr Henry Coursey be him-
selfe present in Court.
The Court Adiorned by the Goue till to morrow morning att 9
Johnson v.
Michael Baysey sayth uppon oath (att the request of Henry
Penny) att tht time, when Capt Stone went up to Seauerne: Corne-
lius Johnson & Henry Penny lyued att this Depts howse. And often
during their abode there, wch was about fiue weekes, those still
iarred about their accounts, Wch this Dept seeing, he desyred them
to come to an agreemt in their accounts, wch they did, & Cornelius
was indebted to Penny 600l & some odde Tob. the iust odde this
Dept cannot now remember, & was contented & promised to giue the
sd Penny his Bill. But uppon the suddaine goeing up to Seauerne,
the Bill was neglected, & not gyven. & further uppon this agreemt
(they being before Mates) parted their Estate betwixt them. And
the Shallop fell to the share of Cornelius, hee taking it uppon him-
selfe, discharged the sd Penny, And had there not bene an account
betweene Mr Tho: Thomas & Henry Penny, where the sd Cornelius
had disposed of some of the Tob. due to Penny from the sd Thomas
p. 31
the sd Cornelius had passed his Bill to him presently, & it had not
bene deferred.
Joane the Wife of Michael Baysey deposeth idem quod supra &
further addeth That Cornelius was to take the Bill, belonging to Mrs
ffenwick & make it his owne debt, & cleare the sd Penny fro it.
April 28
Aprill 28o Pent as yesterday (Viz)
Josias ffendall Gour | Mr Thomas Gerard | aferwards came
Philip Caluert Seer. | Mr Robt Clarke. | Cott John Price
And as Assistants to the Councell, by appoym4 | Mr Baker Brooke
from the Gouernor & who were Called by him | Mr Nathan: Vtye.