pounds of tobacco in caske for which he prayeth order with costs
occasioned And he shall pray &c.
Be it knowne vnto all men by theis prsents that I John Little in the
County of Calvert Planter haue Constituted Ordained and made Mr
John Hammond of the County of St Marys in the Province of Mary-
land my true & lawfull Attorney to aske require leavy and receive
in my name for me and to mine vse all manner of debts whatsoever
they be of all manner of persons in any wise to me due pertayning
or belonging in any parte or place within this Province, or to Consti-
tute an other Attorney Giving & granting to my said Attorney my
full & whole power and authority in the prmisses to playnt arrest,
Sue declare, impleade imprison cause to be Condemned and to release
the sd debtors, recouer & receive for me and in my place, as is men-
coned afore all & singuler things, that shall be expedient
P. C. R.