Warren v.
vide 1
Baldwin 7
To the Honoble the Gouernor & Councell of Maryland
The humble peticon of John Warren Sheweth That Edward
Gotten decd did by his last will & testament amongst other legacyes
by him bestowed ordaine and bequeathe vnto Ignatius the sonne of
yor petr a Mare foale, which the care of performance caused him to
express doubly and theis words (vizt)
I give vnto Mr Starkey my ould Chesnutt Coloured Mare Provided
that the aforesaid Mr Starkey doe give vnder his hand a specialty
vnto John Warren that he shall deliver and give vnto him the first
Mare Colt that the aforesaid Mare shall bring which shall be for his
sonne Ignatius Warren which I give vnto him.
And leaste the sd Ignatius should be frustrate of haveing & En-
joyeing a Mare foale certaine, he adds thus, I doe give vnto Thomas
Mathews the Younger, the young Mare two yeares ould Provided