Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 567
wholy and without Blemish, amongst which that of preacheing and
teacheing is not the leaste, neither imports itt what Church is there
meant, since by the true intent of the Act Concerning Religion every
Church professing to beleive in God the father Sonne and holy
Ghoste is accounted Holy Church here.
2dly Because by the Acte entituled an Act concerning Religion It
is provided that noe pson whatsoeuer professing to beleiue in Jesus
Christ shall be molested for or in Respect of his or her Religion or
the free Exercise thereof, and vndoubtedly preacheing & teacheing
is the free Exercise of every Churchmans Religion and upon this I
craue Judgemt
To the first and second Poynt, in the Informacon putt agt the sd
Francis Fitzherbert, The demurrer is allowed. The third Poynt
depends upon the two first and is allowed The opinion of the board
is that it is neither Rebellion [nor] Mutiny to utter such words as is
alleadged the fourth ....
P. C. R.
Vpon the peticon of John Nuttwall
Ordered that Mr Elzey and Mr Wright appeare att the next Pro-
vinciall Cort to accquaynte the Cort with Mr Nuttwalls busines, and
that Sumons issue to the said Elzey and Wright for their appearance.
Re Nuttall
p. 1083
Ordered that Penelope Hall her busines be referred till the next
Proall Cort
General v.
Vpon the Informacon of his Lops Attorney touching the Estate
of Joseph Lintall.
Ordered that Francis Pope appeare att the next Provinciall Cort
Re Lintall's
The next Cort is appoynted by the Leiutennt Generall on the first
Tewsday in October next.
Date of
Thomas Gerrard demands Sumons for Capt Robt Vaughan to
testef ye in causa Snowe & Gerrard.
Subpa mde to the Sherriffe of Kent County.
Snow v.
John Lumbrozo demds a writt to arrest John Hamond in an accon
of the Case, Warrt mde to the She. of St M. C.
Lumbrozo v.
Marmaduke Snowe demds a writt to Sumons John Nevell to tes-
tefye in causa Snowe & Gerrard
Subpa mde to John Gittings to serue ret. next Cort
June 16th
Snow v.
William Cole demds a writt to arrest Richard Games in an accon
of the Case
July 20th
Cole v.