568 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest ret. the
next Proa11 Cort
warrt mde to the Constable to apprehend Richard Games to finde
suretys for his good behaviour
July 29th
Smith v.
Henry Heylyn Attorney of Coll Robt Smith demds a writt to arrest
Rowland Haddoway in an accon .... of Baltemore and Anne ....
p. 1084
v. Michell
John Abington Attorney of Capt Thomas Cornewallis demands a
writt to arrest Jacob Micheele in an accon of debt to the vallue of
8000lb Tob.
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of Baltemore County ret ut supra
Evans v.
Coll Wra Euans demands a writt to arrest Tho Turner in an accon
of the Case.
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest &c. ret.
ut supra. Et. E con.
General v.
Caecilius Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Province of
Maryland and Avalon Lord Barren of Baltemore &c. To the Sherriff
of Calvert County Greeting Whereas Wm Cleybourne heretofore of
the Ile of Kent stands attainted by Act of Generall Assembly of this
Province dated 24th of March 1637 for Pyracy and murther whereby
his whole Estate both Reall & personall became forfeited then vnto
vs, And Whereas the sd Wm Cleybourne & his Complices haue since
the sd Attaynder Comitted many Outrages and open Acts of Hos-
tility by which we are dampnifyed att the leaste the vallue of 2000lb
sterl: and for which haueing fledd from Justice he stands by Publick
Act of the Generall Assembly of this Province Exempted from
Pardon, And whereas wee are informed that the sd Wm Cleybourne
hath of late Accquired some Estate within this Province whereby he
may be attached Theis are therefore to will and require you forth-
with vpon Sight hereof to attache any the Estate Reall or personall
of Wm Cleybourne aforesaid, and att the same tyme to Cite or
Sumon Publikly the sd Wm Cleybourne to appeare att the next Proall
Cort to be held at St Marys on the first Tewsday in October next
there to answer to such Trespasses, wasts, misdemeanors Contempts
and seditious practices As our Attorney shall haue to Charge him
with on our behalfe & then & there returne this writt Giuen at St
Marys this 7th August 1662. Wittnes our deare Brother Philip
Caluert Esqr our deputy Leivtennt of our sd Province
26th Aug.
p. 1085
v. Boreman
John Abington Attorney to Capt Thomas Cornwallis demands a
writt to arrest Wm Boareman in an accdn of the Case.
Warrt mde to the Sherr. of St Marys County ret. the first day of
the next Cort