566 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
said paymts I haue and doe binde over & deliuer vnto John Pille for
him his heires Executors Administratrs or Assigns the three hundred
acres of land with all the howseing &c. thereon In Wittness hereof
I haue herevnto sett my hand this 14th of October 1656
The l marke of John Greenwell
Test Walter Hall Wm Thompson
The Considerac5n given to Greenwell for the passing of this bill
was the plantacon now demanded by the Orphant lying in Brettons
bay. Accknowledged in open Cort by Mr Pille.
p. 1081
these words are overlyned (from me and my heires) assigned over
all my right tytle and Interest in this Pattent vnto John Greenwell
his heires Executors Administrators and Assigns as Wittnes my
hand this 12th October 1656 John Pille
This is a true Coppy verbatim Exed by me Wm Bretton
Testes Walter Hall Wm Thompson
Ordered Feoffee in trust for the plt Greenwell haue possdn of the
land here demded for the said James Greenwell to the vse the said
Greenwell upon paymt of 4902lb Tobacco and Caske to John Pille
the Mortgager and both ptyes pay their owne Charge.
Hughes v.
This bill bindeth me Thomas Hughes of the County of St Marys
within the Province of Maryland mine heires Executors and Admrs
to pay or cause to be payd to Richard Smith of Wiccocomaco Riuer
within the said County Planter his Executors or Assigns Eleaven
hundred weight of good sound merchantable tobacco and Caske
without ground Leaues or Seconds vpon demand In Wittnes whereof
I haue herevnto putt my hand the 16th day of November 1660
The marke Fo + of Tho: Hughes
Testes Tho Williamson Rich Foster his W marke.
Knowe all men by theis prsents that I Richard Smith doe assigne
over all my right and tytle of this within .... vnto Thomas Darling
p. 1082
his heires or .... hand the first of January 1661 .... vnto Thomas
Gerrard Esqr his heires or Assigns wittnes my hand the first of
February 1661 The marke I of Tho Darling
Testes James Edmunds John Hillerd
Thomas Hughes made oathe that he had payd three hundred
pounds of tobacco of the bill due to Richard Smith and accknowl-
edges Judgemt for the rest in open Cort John Gittings Clre.
General v.
Then was putt an Informacon agt Francis Fitzherbert [by] his
Lops Attorney Generall fo: 102. To which Francis Fitzherbert
demurred in Lawe.
1 Neither denying or Confessing the matter here objected Since
by the very first Lawe of this Country Holy Church within this
Province shall haue & Enjoye all her Rights libertyes and Franchises