p. 1050
the County .... the Province of Maryland .... Administrators and
Assigns in the Sume of one thousand pounds of lawfull English
money to be Leauyed upon the said Goods and Chatties Lands Ten-
emts and hereditaments of the said Thomas Gerrard his heires
Executors and Administrators, wheresoeuer they shall be found
either within the Kingdome of England or within the pts of Virga
as by the said Recognizance doth and may more att Large appeare.
Now this prsent Indenture of defeazance upon the said Recog-
nizance Wittnesseth that if the said Thomas Gerrard his heires Exec-
utors Administrators or Assigns shall well and truly pay or cause
to be payd vnto the said Abell Snowe his heires Executors Admrs or
Assigns the full Sume of Thirty fiue thousand pound weight of good
and merchantable Leafe tobacco of Maryland well and sufficiently
packed and putt vp in good and sufficient Caske in such manner and
forme as itt shall then be generally vsed to be packed in the said
Province of Maryland att the severall tymes when the payment
thereof shall growe due, that is to say five thousand pound weight
thereof in or upon the tenth day of January next Ensueing the date
of theis prsents and tenn thousand pounds weight thereof more in or
upon the tenth day of January which shall be in the yeare of our
Lord one thousand six hundred forty and one And tenn thousand
pounds weight thereof more in or upon the tenth day of January
which shall be in the yeare of our lord god one thousand six hundred