depont was .... did see the abouesaid Thomas Gerrard ....
I doe hereby certefye that this is a true Cuppy of a deed Sealed
deliuered and accknowledged by the said Thomas Gerrard as afore-
said in the prsence of C: Baltemore
The depont sworne to the truth of this Affidt before me Robert
Keylway one of the Mrs of the Chancery of England in Ordinary
the 13th day of September 1659 Robt Keylway
Sealed and delivered by the within named Thomas Gerrard in the
prsence of Rich: Congrene John Langford Rich Symons
Sigillat delibat et libent recognit p infranomt Thomam Gerrard
die & anno dat prsentium coram me C Baltemore
Thomas Gerrard de Insula Sci dementis infra Provinciam ter.
Marie in ptibz Amrice gen. coram dno Rege in Canceller sua psonalit.
constitut recogn se debere Abeli Snowe de Officia Cursitar in Com
Midd gen Mille libras bone et legal monete Angl: solvend eidem Abeli
ant suo certo Attorn executor Administr. vel Assign suis in festo
Sci Johis Baptis prox futur post dat hujus Recognicois Ut nisi fecit
vult et Concedit qd dca suma mille libra levetur et recuzetur de bonis
et cattail terr. tontis et hereditamen Ipius Thome hered Executor vel
Administr. Suox vbicunqr furint invent, infra Regnu Angt. aut infra
prdict Provinciam terr Marie vocat. Maryl. vel. infra prte Virginie
ad solum et propriu opus et vsum prfat. Abelis hered Executor &
Admini suoz Teste deo dno Rege apud Westmr decimo nouo die June
Anno Regni ejuodem dno nri Caroli dei gra Angl. Scotie ffrancie et
hibnie Regis fidei defensor &c decimo Sxto. Annoq dmni 1640
Exaiat q Edm Goddard