forty two And tenn thousand pounds weight more being the residue
thereof in or upon the tenth day of January which shall be in the
yeare of our Lord god 1643. All which said severall paymts are well
& truly to be made Att the howse of the said Abell Snowe called
Snowe Hill in the said Province, or att the howse of the said
Thomas Gerrard scituate in St Clements Hand in the said Province
he the said Thomas Gerrard giving a months notice next before the
day of payment thereof to the sd Abell Snowe or his Assigns of the
certaine Quantity that shall be payd by him att both places, and for
soe much as shall be payd at St Clemts Island, the said Thomas
Gerrard shall keepe safe and indempnifyed from wett or otherwise
in his owne howses untill itt be received from him by the said Abell
P. C. R.