P. C. R.
names of St Clemts Hand, St Katherines Hand, Porkehall and Ashton
within the said Province of Maryland And all the Lands Tenemts
hereditamts howses Outhowses buildings and other Aptrices there-
vnto belonging scituate lying and being in the Province of Maryland
aforesaid in as ample and large manner, to all Intents and purposes
as he now doth or might haue hould or Enjoye the same, And alsoe
the said Thomas Gerrard for himselfe his heires Executors and
Admrs doth further by theis prsents bargaine Sell give Grant, alyen
assigne and sett over unto the said Abell Snowe his Executors Admrs
and Assigns all and singuler his goods chatties moueable and vn-
moueable Servants househould stuffe, money Plate Jewells Tobacco
Cattle hoggs Poultry debts dues, and all other his Estate whether
reall or personall whatsoeuer, whether it be in the Kingdome of
England, or in the Province of Maryland aforesaid, To haue and to
hould all and singuler the afore recited prmisses to the said Abell
Snowe, his Executors Admrs and Assigns for ever To the vse and
behoof e hereafter in theis prsents expressed, namely that if itt soe fall
out that he the said Thomas Gerrard should happen to dye or departe
this naturall life before he haue well and truly sattisfyed and payd
the said thirty five thousand pound weight of tobacco aboue ex-
pressed and Caske in such manner and forme as is expressed in two
Indentures of defeazance beareing date with theis prsents, And every
parte and parcell thereof that then the said Abell Snowe shall haue
hould and Enjoye the one moyety of all the aboue recited prmisses
To his owne proper vse and behoof e And the other moyety to the vse
of Susanna the now wife of the said Thomas Gerrard for and
during her naturall life and after her decease to the heires of her
body begotten or to be begotten on her body by the said Thomas
p. 1047
Gerrard for ever And the said Thomas Gerrard .... Executors
Administrators and Assigns That he the said Abell Snowe shall and
may haue hould possess vse occupy and quietly and peaceably enjoy
All the fore recited prmisses to the vses aforesaid To the said Abell
Snowe his heires Executors Administrators & Assigns or against
any other pson or persons whatsoever Clayming by from or vnder
him, or by vertue of any right Tytle or Interest derived from him,
And he doth further hereby revoake disanull and make voyd any will
deed or other Instrument whatsoever formerly made concerning theis
recited prmisses or any pte thereof whether they be in England or
in the Province of Maryland [the] said Thomas Gerrard for him
his heires [Exec'rs] Admrs and Assigns doth further covenant and
grant to and with the said Abell Snowe his heires Executors Admrs
and Assigns that he and they will warrant and defend the said
prmisses and every pte thereof To the said Abell Snowe his heires
Executors Admrs and Assigns for ever agt any person or persons
whatsoever. And that he and they shall saue and keepe the prem-
isses and every parte thereof clearely free and Exonerated & dis-