532 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
Snowc another Endorsed 1st June 1649, Coppy of a deed made by
Edith Snowe to Marmaduke Snowe, another Endorsed 19o June
1640 Coppy of a deed of Mr Thomas Gerrard to Mr Abell Snowe
com. his Estate in Maryland another endorsed 5th October 1640
Coppy of an Acco Betweene Mr Gerrard and Mr Abell Snowe another
Endorsed 19 June 16 Car. Anno dmni 1640 A Coppy of a Defea-
zance vpon 2 Recognizances.
May 15th
Wynn v.
Henry Heylyn Attorney of Thomas Wynn demds a writt to arrest
Vincent Atcheson in an accon of debt to the vallue of 60ll of Beaver
Warrt mde to the Sherriff of St Marys County
Re Black
Wm Black demds Subpa to Sumons Daniell Grymes .... Francis
Cole, Edward Chickin, Thomas .... Francis Fisher to .... Kedger.
p. 1028
Taylor v.
Sarah Taylor demands a writt to arrest Thomas Courtney in an
accon of defamacon to the vallue of 10000ll Tobacco
Warrt mde to the Sherr: of St Marys County to arrest &c. ret
ut supra
Tilney v.
Anne Tilney demds a writt to arrest Vincent Atcheson in an accon
of debt
Warrt mde to the Sherr of St Marys County to arrest &c.
Abington v.
John Abington demds a writt to arrest Vincent Atcheson in an
accon of debt
Warrt mde to the Sherr. of St Marys County &c.
Bushell v.
et al.
William Bushell demds a writt to arrest Daniell Clocker George
Macckall, and Wm Hatton Executors to Coll Price in an accon of
the case
Warrt mde to the Constable,
Gerrard v.
Thomas Gerrard demds a writt to arrest George Renolds in an
accon of debt
Warrt mde to the Sherriff of St Marys County
Lee v.
Hannah Lee demands a writt to arrest Vincent Atcheson in an
accon of the Case
Warrt mde to the Sherriff of St Marys County &c
Re Nuttall
John Nuttall demands a Subpa, to Sumons Humphry Warren
and Vincent Atcheson .... Subpa mde ....
v. Gerrard
Memorandum this 3d day of June came Marmaduke Snowe and
demanded those severall papers deliuered to Capt James Neale, on