This day came Mr William Bretton and desired the ensueing to be
recorded (vizt)
Ad perpetuam rei memoriam
Forasmuch as divers good and Zealous Roman Catholick Inhabit-
ants of New Towne and St Clements Bay haue unanimously agreed
amongst themselues to erect and build a Church or Chappell whether
they may repayre on Sundays and other Holy dayes appoynted and
Corhanded by holy Church to serue Almighty God and heare divine
Service, And the most Convenient place for that purpose desired and
pitcht upon by them all, is on a certaine parcell of the Land belonging
to William Bretton Gent Now Knowe yee that I William Bretton of
Little Bretton in the County of St Marys in the Province of Maryland
gent, with the hearty good likeing of my dearely beloued wife Tem-
perance Bretton, To the greater honor and Glory of Almighty God
the euer immaculat Virgin Mary and all Saints haue given and doe
hereby freely & for euer give to the behoofe of the said Roman
Catholick Inhabitants and their Posterity or Successors Roman
Catholicks soe much land as they shall build the said Church or Chap-
pell on which for their better Convenience they may frequent to
serue Almighty God and heare divine Service as aforesaid with such
other land adjoyning to the said Church or Chappel convenient
Likewise for a Church yard wherein to bury their dead Conteyning
abt one acre and halfe of Ground Scituate and lying on a devident of
land called Brettons Out Lett, and on the Easte side of the said
devident neere to the head of a Creeke called St Williams Creeke
which falleth into St Nicholas Creeke and neare unto the narrowest
place of the freehould of Little Brittaine
P. C. R.
p. 1026
Aprill the
12th 1662
deed to
Memorandum that this 6th day of May Came Marmaduke Snowe
and in the prsence of Philip Calvert Esqr Chancellor of this Province
did deliuer vnto Capt James Neale certaine papers in trust to be
pduced againe by the said Neale att what tyme soeuer the said
Snowe shall demand them; vizt. A paper Endorsed 19th June 1640,
A Recognizance accknowledged before the Lord Baltemore by
Thomas Gerrard to Abell Snowe of the penalty of 1000l another
endorsed 19 June 1640, A Coppy of a Recognizance certefyed by
Mr Robert Helway to be upon record by Thomas Gerrard to Abell
Snowe of the penalty of 1000ll another endorsed 27o June 1642 A
Coppy of a deed of gift made by Abell Snowe to Edith Snowe of
35000ll Tobacco 194ll in money due by Thomas Gerrard to Abell
May 6th 1662
v. Gerard