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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662
Volume 41, Page 533   View pdf image (33K)
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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 533

the 6th of May last, which the said Neale hath deliuered in Cort and
the said Marmaduke Snowe doth accknowledge they are the same

P. C. R.

This day came Mr John Abington Attorney to Capt Tho: Corn-
wallis and desires the .... That Capt ....

May 20th
v. ————

At a Provinciall Cort held att St Marys on Tewsday the 3d of
June 1662

Present Charles Calvert Esqr Leiutennt Generall Philip Calvert
Esqr deputy Leiutennt and Chancellor Henry Sewall Esqr Secr Baker
Brooke Capt James Neale and Robert Clarke Esqrs Councellors.

p. 1029
June 3

Was read this following paper (vizt)
Csecilius by the Grant of our Soveraigne Lord Charles &c. Ab-
solute Lord and Proprietary of the Provinces of Maryland and
Avalon in the parts of America Lord Barren of Baltemore &c.
To all persons to whome theis prsents shall come Greeting, Knowe
yee that wee for and in consideraco of the good and Laudable Ser-
vices and endeavors of Abell Snowe of Cursitars office in Chancery
Lane London gent, for the planting of our Province of Maryland
And to the End the said Abell and his heires may be enabled here-
after to doe unto us and our heires faythfull and acceptable service
within our said Province haue therefore of and with the advice of
our Deare Brother Leonard Calvert Esqr and according to the tenor
and Effect of our letters under our hand and Seale beareing date att
London in the Realme of England the Eigth day of October 1640
and Enrolled by our Secretary of our said Province given granted
enfeoffed and Confirmed vnto the said Abell Snowe all that pcell of
land lying Betweene St Johns Freehould and St Marys Bay on the
South and including the whole Freehould of Nathaniell Pope Saint
Georges river on the west, the pathway leadeing from Popes Free
hould aforesaid vnto Mattapanicnt (alias Concepcon Mannor) on
the East and the free hould of Porke-hall, and a line drawne thence
due Easte through the woods vntill it Intersect the Path way afore-
said on the North contayning by Estimacon and now sett forth for
one thousand acres of land, be itt more or less And all woods Quarrs,
Mynes (royall Mynes excepted waters royall fishes, fishings fishing
places, Advowsons and patronages of Churches Wrecks libty ....
Hunting and hawking for any sorte of game whatsoeuer .... Com-
odityes advantages Emolumts and .... or any parte thereof To ....
the said Abell Snowe .... and our heires as of .... Fealty ....

v. Gerrard

Receipt two Barrells of good wheate or twenty shillings in money
sterling, att the feaste of our Lords nativity, And wee doe by theis
prsents will and appoynte that the said parcell of land shall from
henceforth for ever be one intire Manner and be called by the name

p. 1030

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662
Volume 41, Page 533   View pdf image (33K)
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