Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 511
shall and will at his and their owne proper Cost and charges from
thenceforth and from tyme to tyme, and att all tymes hereafter
during the said tearme of twenty one yeares well and sufficiently
repayre vphould amend Sustayne and Keepe the said Messuage or
Tenement with the Appurtenances and all other the last menconed
prmisses in and with all manner of sufficient and tenentable Repara-
cons and new buildings, And alsoe that he the said Henry Cooke
his Executors Administraters and Assigns or some of them shall and
will in the end of the said Tearme of 21 yeares or other determinacon
thereof Leaue and yeild up the said Messuage or tenemt Garden and
Yard with the appurtenances and all other the said premisses Soe
floored sparred tyled erected built and Glaced as aforesaid well
sufficiently and tenentably repayred amended Sustayned vphoulden
and kept together with the quiett and peaceable posson thereof vnto
the said Prudence Sewall her Executors Administrators or Assigns,
And the said Prudence Sewall for her heires Executors Admini-
strators and Assigns by theis prsents, that he the said Henry Cooke
his Exrs Administraters and Assigns and euery of them shall and
will by and vnder the yearely rent and Covenants which on his or
their parts and behalfes are or ought to be obserued and performed
from tyme to tyme and at all tymes during the said tearme of 21
yeares peaceably and quietly haue hould and Enjoye the said Mes-
suage or tenemt Garden Yard and all other the prmisses with the
appurtenances and euery parte and parcell thereof, without any the
Lett Suite trouble hinde[ ranee] .... by the said Prudence Sewall
P. C. R.
.... Assigns or any of them Interchangeably haue putt their hands
and Scales the day and yeare aboue written.
Sealed and deliuered in the psence of Wm Allcotts Anne Sewall
Wm Dudley Edward Cooke The 3 marke of John Kathrins
p. 902
Surhons issued to the Sheriffe of Charls County to Wm Heard
Hugh Neale Thomas Speake Thomas Lomax John Hatton John
Balch and Wm Potter to testefye on the behalfe of the Lord Propr agt
John Jenkins and Christopher Russell
General v.
Jenkins et
Thomas Billingsley demands a writt to arrest John James and
William Toulson; to answere his Suite in Chancery
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of Ann Arrundell County to arrest &c
jdem demands Subpa ad testificand: for John Barwell and Samuell
Chewe to testefye &c. Subpa mde.
Jan. 18th
v. James
jdem demands a writt to arrest William Parker to answer his
Suite in Chancery
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of Calvert County to arrest &c.
jdem demds Subpa ad testificand Francis Chalke et ux and Ben-
jamyn Brashere to testefye &c Subpa mde
v. Parker