p. 900
trators and Assigns all .... contayning .... And the Yard ....
on the North side of the same streete, Betweene a Messuage or
Tenemt in the tenure of Anne Cartwright widdow of the Easte pte
and a Tenemt, in the tenure of John Bennett Glouer of the West pte
To haue and to hould the said Messuage or tenemt and Garden with
the appurtenances unto the said Henry Cooke his Executors Admrs
and Assigns from the second day of February next ensueing the date
hereof for and during, and vnto the full end and tearme of twenty
and one yeares from thence next and imediately following, and
fully to be compleate and ended Yeilding and paying therefore
yearely during the said tearme of twenty and one yeares unto the
said Prudence Sewall her Executors Administrs or Assigns the Sume
or yearely rent of three pounds of law full money of England at
two tymes or tearmes in the yeare (that is to say) vpon the first
day of August and the second day of February by equall and euen
persons, Provided alwayes and it is expressly condiconed and agreed
vpon by and Betweene the said partyes to theise Indentures by theis
prsents that if it shall happen the said Sume or yearely rent of three
pounds of lawfull money of England at any tyme or tymes hereafter
during the said Tearme of twenty and one yeares to be behind or
unpayd in parte or in all, after either of the said Tymes or tearmes
in which the same ought to be payd at by the space of foureteene
dayes being Lawfully demanded, that then and at all tymes from
thenceforth it shall or may be lawfull to and for the said Prudence
Sewall her heires Executors Admrs or Assigns into the said demised
prmisses and euery parte thereof to reenter and the same to haue
againe repossesse and enjoye as in her or their former Estate and
Right And the said Henry Cooke for him his heires Exers Admrs or
Assigns, and euery of them doth Covenant and Grant to and with
the said Prudence Sewall her Executors Administratrs and Assigns
by theis prsents that he the said Henry Cooke his Executors Ad-
ministrators or Assigns shall and will att his and their owne proper
Costs and Charges at or before the Nyne and twentyth day of Sep-
tember next ensueing the date hereof well and sufficiently floore with
Boards and joysts and other .... two Chambers of the demised ....