Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 491
Covenante to Nicholas Holmes and John Marke of fine hundred
acres of land lying in Wye Riuer called Thirmby Grange &c
And the finall Concord is that the said Richard Willan and Eliza-
beth his wife haue accknowledged that the said fiue hundd acres in
Wye Riuer aforesaid with the Appurtenances are the Rights of
Nicholas Holmes and John Marke as that wch the said Nicholas
Holmes and John Marke hath of the guifte of the said Richard Wil-
lan and Elizabeth his wife And the sd Richard Willan and Elizabeth
his wife haue remised and quitt Claymed from them the said
Richard and Elizabeth and the heires of the said Richard the said
fiue hundred acres to the said Nicholas Holmes and John Marke
and their heires foreuer And further the said Richard and Elizabeth
haue Granted for themselues and the heires of the said Richard
that they will warrant the said land to the said Nicholas Holmes
and John Marke and their heires against them the said Richard
and Elizabeth and the heires of the said Richard for ever, And
for this Recognizon Remission Quitt Clayme Warrant Fine and
Concord the said Nicholas Holmes and John Marke hath giuen to
the said Richard and .... the Sume of fiue thousand pounds of
P. C. R.
John Babtist demands Subpa to sumons Daniel Gourden and
Archball Wayhope to testefye in a cause Betweene the said Babtist
plt and Major George Colclough who marryed the Relict of Symon
Overzee deft.
Subpa mde to the Sherriffe of Charles County &c.
p. 509
Babtist v.
Samuell Brocckett demands a writt to arrest Sarah Marsh in an
accon of the case
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of Ann Arrundell County to arrest
&c ret ut Supra
Brockett v.
John Abbington Attorney to Mrs Anne Tilney demands Sumons
for John Shertcliffe to testefye in causa John Hammond pft and
Anne Tilney detr.
Sumons mde to the Sherr. of St Marys County &c.
v. Tilney
dennis Ascolar demands a writt to arrest Capt Josias Fendall in
an accon of the case
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of St Marys County to arrest &c ret.
ut supra.
Idem demds a Subpa to sumons Walter Beane to testefye &c
Subpa mde to the Sherriffe of Charles County &c.
Ascolar v.
Robert Hooper demands Subpa to sumons Nicholas Rawlins and
John Bisco, to testefye in a cause betweene the said Hooper and Wm
Subpa mde to the Sherriffe of St Marys County &c.
Hooper v.