490 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
paying yearely at the nativity of our Lord or within twenty dayes
after a Rent of one bushell of Indean Corne for euery hundred
acres (that is to say) foure Bushells of Indean Corne for the foure
hundred acres to be due and truly payd yearely vnto the said Nicholas
Guyther his heires or Assigns for ever And further he the said
Gwyther doth declare that whereas he is lawfully pSssd of this
Estate that did formerly belong unto One William Hawly gent,
deceased as by a lawfull order of the Provmciall Cort of this Prov-
ince beareing date the 24th of March 1652 may and doth more at
large appeare haue sould this parcell of land to provide a sufficiency
where with all to make payment of what Rerige rents are behind that
the whole may not fall nor be forfeited for the non Payment of the
rent to the Lord Proprietor and therefore he the said Nicholas
Gwyther doth binde himselfe and his heires vnto the said Thomas
Mathews and his heires and Assigns to make the said Sale good
against all just Claymes in the lawe whatsoeuer In Wittness whereof
the partyes aboue menconed haue Interchangeably sett their hands
and Seales the day and yeare aboue written Nicholas Gwyther
Signed Sealed and deliuered in the pesence of us sitting in the
lower howse of Assembly William Euans Luke Gardner Wm Bret-
ton Clk :
The abouesaid Bill of Sale was accknowledged by Nicholas Gwyth-
er in open Cort
p. 508
Fendall v.
Capt Josias Fendall demds a writt to arrest Thomas Taylor in an
accon of detinue
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of Calvert County to arrest ret, next
Fendall v.
Idem demands Subpa to Sumons Robert Holte John Nicholls
the Case
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of Calvert County to arrest &c ret
ut supra.
v. Tilney
John Abbington Attorney to Mrs Anne Tilney demands Sumons
for Bridgett the wife of Robert Shell Thomas Turner and Walter
Pake to testefye in causa John Hammond plt and [Mrs.] Tilney
deft Subpa mde to the Sherriffe of St Marys County ret Ist day of
the next Cort
Idem demands a writt to arrest Samson Waring in an accon of
Mary Warner William Cole Humphry Howell and William Lucas
to testefye &c. Subpa mde to the Sherriffe of St Marys County ret
ut supra
Re William
Caecilius &c To the Sherriffe of St Marys County &c Comand
Richard Wrillan and Elizabeth his wife that justly &c. they hould