492 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661.
P. C. R.
This day came Symon Carpenter and desired this following As-
signment to be recorded (vizt)
Be it knowne vnto all men by theis pesents that I George Hack
Phisitian for me my heires Executors Administrs haue bargained
and sould as I by theis pesents doe bargaine and sell vnto Abraham
Morgan his heires and Assigns one Tract of land contayning foure
hundred acres called Anne Cattrins Weeke lying and .... Maryland
in .... other side vpon the Baye and Easte riuer as the Pattent more
and at large doth specif ye To haue and to hould the aboue men-
coned tract of land for him his heires and Assigns for euer And doe
alsoe by theis promise to deliuer unto the said Abraham Morgan the
Pattent of this specif yed land at the tyme as the said Abraham
Morgan has made full sattisfaccon of this specifyed land unto the
aboue menconed Hack or his Assigns To the true performance of the
same [we] haue this Subscribeth with our owne hand and Seale this
Eighteenth day of Septembr 1660 [George] Hack
Testis John Elzey Seuerin Hack
Vpon which Assignmt was endorsed on the back side of it this
following Assignmt vizt
I Abraham Morgan doe by vertue of the within menconed to me
hereby Assigne all my right tytle and Interest to the within plantacon
to Mr Symon Carpender and on performance of his condicon of this
date to me am hereby Engaged in the Sume and Quantity of tenn
thousand pounds of tobacco and Caske to make Good to him the
Sale of the said plantacon within this pesent yeare and to secure him
from all further Claymes and demands of any pson or psons what-
soeuer as Wittnes my hand this 8th day of February 1660
The mke XO of Abraham Morgan
Wittness Era. Wright John Elzey.
Nov. 25
p. 601
At a Provinciall Cort held at St Marys on Monday the 25th of
November 1661
Present Philip Calvert Esqr Gouernor Baker Brooke and Robert
Clarke Esqrs Councellors.
General v.
et al.
John Jenkins and William Fuller being fiue tymes called to answere
vnto such thinges as shall be objected against them on the behalfe
of the Lord Propr did not appeare.
Gerard v.
The deft being twice called and not appeareing the cause was
respitted whilst to morrow morning
The Cort is ajourned till nine of the Clock to morrow morning