Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. 489
Inquisicon thou shalt make an haue thou there this writt Giuen at St
Marys this 24th of October 1661 Wittness our deare Brother Philip
Calvert Esqr our Leiutennant of our said Province of Maryland
P. C. R.
This day came Thomas Mathews and desired the following Bill
of Sale to be recorded (vizt)
This Indenture made the sixth day of Apr ill in the yeare of our
Lord God 1661 Betweene Nicholas Guyther high Sherriffe of the
County of St Marys in the Province of Maryland Gent of the one
party and Thomas Mathews of St Marys in the same County and
Province aforesaid Gent, of the other party Wittnesseth That
whereas the said Nicholas Gwyther for and in Consideracon five
Octobr 28th
Re Mathews
thousand pounds .... said Thomas Mathews whereof and where-
with the said Nicholas Guyther doth accknowledge himselfe to be
fully sattisfyed and Contented and payd thereof and of every parte
and parcell thereof doth clearely accquitt and discharge the said
Thomas Mathews his heires Executors and Administrators and
Assigns by theis pesents hath demised Granted Alyened bargained
sould and Confirmed and by theis pesents doth demise Grant alyen
bargaine sell and Confirme to him the said Thomas Mathews his
heires Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever all that parcell
of land .... is now sittuated on the South side of St Ellens Creeke
and goeing by the name of Mathews hope and beginning at a Marked
Pine standing on the Bay side and Running North west for bredth
up the Baye the full and Compleate length of two hundred perches
and Bounding on the North with a line drawne South west and by
West into the woods the length of five hundred Perches on the west
with a line drawne South Easte and by Easte from the End of the
former line untill it Intersect a Paralell line drawne from the marked
Pine at the Bay side on the South with the said Parelell on the Easte
with the said Baye Contayning foure hundred acres more or less
To haue and to hould All that parcell of land Contayning compleately
foure hundred acres of land according to the vsuall Survey of the
Country Granted at that tyme in the yeare 1652 together with all
and singuler the benefitts proffits Commodityes Fishing Fowleings
Huntings and Emolluments whatsoeuer in as full and ample manner
as any parcell of land is usually taken vp from under his Lop the
Proprietor of this Province and further he the said Nicholas Gwyther
doth Covent promise and Grant for himselfe his heires Executo"
and Administraters firmely by theis pesents to and with the said
Thomas Mathews his heires Executo" Administrators and Assigns
to .... and make good all and singuler the pemisses .... Sale and
to defend saue and .... of person or persons whatsoeuer that shall
p. 506
by any law full or just Tytle deuice or deuices in the lawe to Clayme
molest or disturbe him the said Thomas Mathews or his heires or
Assigns from the free Exercise and use thereof according to the
true Intent and meaneing of this Indenture for ever, Yeilding and
P. 507