442 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660.
P. C. R.
fine hundred pounds of tobacco menconed in the note hereafter ex-
pressed (vizt) the speciality being pressed in Courte and the defd'
haueing taken his oathe that the same nor any parte thereof was
ever payd
Dauid Lett me desire you to pay vnto Capt Guyther fiue hundd
pounds of tobacco which debt is due for hoggs you bought of me and
in soe doeing this my noate with his Receipt shall be yor discharge
as Wittnes my hand this 17th of October 1659
The mke of Henry + Potter
Wittness John Metcalfe The mke T of Thomas Pryor
The deft accknowledges Judgemt to the prt in the Sume of sixteene
hundred pounds of tobacco and Caske by bill dated the 23th of Feb-
ruary 1659 payable the tenth of November following and the defdt
to pay costs of Suite.
Hawkins v.
John Hawkins demands writt to arrest Abraham Sheeres in an
accon of the case to the vallue of twenty thousand pounds of sugar ;
Writt issued to the Sherriffe of Charles County ret. the 17th Aprill
next to the then Proua11 Courte
Hawkins v.
The said Hawkins had likewise a Sumons in Chancery agt Captaine
p. 446
v. Micheels
Thomas Cornewallis this 28th of February demands a writt to arrest
Jacob Micheels in an action of debt of six thousand pounds of tobacco
and Caske. Warrt issued to the Sherr. of Baltemore County ret
17th Aprill next
Writs for
[Vide I Md.
Arch. Ass.
Writts for the Assembly issued dated 28th February ret 16th Ap :
The Sitting on the 17th of Aprill.
Mr Thomas Innis demands Lycence to keepe an Ordinary which
was granted him by the Gouernor pro ut Licence to Hugh Lee
mutatis mutandis.
The next Provinciall Courte is appoynted to be held at Saint
Marys the seauenteenth day of Aprill next
v. Carver
Articles of Agreemt made this Eight day of December 1660 Be-
tweene William Caruer of Elizabeth Riuer in the County of Lower
Norff in Virga of the one party and Dauid Abbercromy Master and
Owner of the Barque Speedwell the other party as followeth
I the aforesaid William Caruer doth hereby agree promise and
Couenante with the aforesaid Dauid Abercromy wynd and weather
permitting, and the danger of the Seas excepted to be in St Marys
in the Province of Maryland with my Kitch calld' the Fortune,
betweene the first and the last day of February next ensueing the
date hereof then and there to receiue such and soe many hogsheads