the aforesaid .... Assigns the Jntire and full Sume of Seauenty,
pounds Sterling to be payd in manner following (Vizt) Every
twelue Gilders is to be accompted for one pounds Sterling; and for
the Seauenty pounds Sterling makes Eight hundred and forty Gilders
is to be payd to the said William in good Osenbridge at the price
of Eight Stiuers the Dutch Elle, and in good Dutch dramms at the
price of Eight and twenty Gilders the Anchor the said William
haueing the liberty to choose soe much or soe little of either sorte as
he shall thinke good It is alsoe further agreed and Couenanted with
and betweene the aboue named partyes that the said Dauid shall
haue fifteene dayes for the Ladeing of the said Ketch at the aforesaid
St Maryes and for unladeing and discharge at the aforesaid Man-
hatans And in case that the said Dauid shall not accomplish to lade
and vnlade the aforesaid Ketch within the tearme of the said fifteene
dayes aforesaid, then the said Dauid for every dayes demurrage and
Longer stay of the Ketch shall pay or cause to payd vnto the said
William or his Assigns the Intire and just Sume of twenty Gilders
in manner as the former money is to be payd for the performance
of the pemisses, both partyes doe binde them their Executors Ad-
ministrators and Assigns And in wittnes of the truth hereof hath
Interchangeably sett to their hands and Seales the day and yeare
aboue written.
Dauid Abercromy X locus Sigill William Caruer X locus Sigill
Sealed and deliuered in the pesence of Nicholas Harte Fran. Sayer
Whereas there was an Agreemt made the Eighth day of December
1660 Betweene Mr William Caruer of Elizabeth Riuer in the County
of Lower Norff in Virginea the one party And Dauid Abercromy
Master and Ownor of the Barque Speedwell the other party as by the
same agreemt to which relacon being had doth more at large appeare,
And Whereas the said William Caruer hath fayled of performeing
his Couenant in the said Agreemt menconed with the said dauid