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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662
Volume 41, Page 441   View pdf image (33K)
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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660. 441

sey And the said Arbitraters haueing circumspectly viewed the
respective Accompts doth thereupon Award that the said Major Col-
clough doth pay vnto the Comprt nineteene thousand pounds of good
tobacco and Caske and Eleauen pounds Seauen shillings and foure
pence Sterling money without any Imposte taxe or Porte duty to all
which the defdt agreed. And in order therevnto came into open
Courte and accknowledged a Judgement for the aforesaid Sume of
nineteene thousand pounds of tobacco and Caske with the aboue
specifyed money Itt being the full acco of all matters relateing Be-
twixt Augusteen Herman pft and the late Estate of Symon Overzee
deceased and now belonging to the defdt George Colclough which
was ordered accordingly And that the Costs of Suite be equally
divided and plt and defdt pay each Respectiue parte.
Mr Augusteen Herman doth accquitt release and discharge Major
George Colclough from all Claymes or Demands from the begining
of the world to this day Saucing the abouesaid Judgemt of nineteene
thousand pounds of tobacco and Caske and Eleauen pounds Seaven
shillings and foure pence Sterling.

P. C. R.

The Comprt sueth for foure hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco :
and Caske and the defdt by his Attorney haueing noething to alleage
against it the Court doth order that the def pay to the prt the said
foure hundred and fifty pounds of tobacco and Caske with Costs
of Suite

Fereira v.

Licence graunted by the Gouernor to Bennett Marshguy to hunte
and kill wilde hoggs vnmarked till further orders.

License to
fill wild

Wednesday the [27] of February present as aforesaid
Thomas Burdett plt ....

Feb. 27

Walter Pake is granted an Attaichment agt the Estate of Thomas
Hughes whoe is fled out of this Province to the vallue of two thou-
sand fiue hundred pounds of tobacco and Caske ret. the next Proall

Attaichmt issued to the Sherriffe of Calvert County ret. 17 Aprill

Pake v.
p. 445

Vpon the defdts appeale The Courte vpon heareing of the cause
allowes the deft one hundred pounds of tobacco for his Attorneyship
and paines and the prt to pay costs of Suite

Sreene and
his wife v.

Vpon the appeale of William Greene and his wife of the Cause i
in the County Courte at the Suite of Captaine Nicholas Gwyther (
An order is granted that the said Greene and his wife shall pay the

3reene v.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1658-1662
Volume 41, Page 441   View pdf image (33K)
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