418 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660.
P. C. R.
further and Serious viewe taken that the plt hath sufficiently fulfilled
and compleated his servitude according to the Custome of this Prov-
ince Signed Richard Smyth foreman
who was agreed by the rest of the Jury to speake for them The
Judgment of the boord is that the prt haue his Corne and Clothes
of the deft according to the Custome, and the deft to pay Costs of
suite in this Cause, and that the plt haue his freedome according
to the Verdict of the Jury and accordingly it is soe ordered,
one wittnes 4 dayes coming & goeing & 2 dayes attendance at 30l
p diem 180l To the Jury
Refusal to
James Rigby presented to the Court for denying to take the Oath
of Constable, who being called to this Court, and that hee in open
Court denyed to take his Oath to serue as Constable. It was putt
to the vote of the Boord how long he should be imprisoned for his
contempt of this Court in that particular whereupon the Court or-
dered that hee be Six monethes imprisoned
The Sheriffe of An Arundell County is to keepe the said James
Rigby Prisoner for the tyme in the aboue said order mentioned.
Hawker v.
To the Right honnoble Gouernor and Councell of the Province of
The humble petition of Thomas Hawker, Humbly sheweth That
whereas your Petr haueing compleated his tyme of servitude to Mr
Thomas Mathewes, And at the expiration of the said tyme your petr
p. 418
did deliuer up his Condition vnto the said Mr Mathewes in the
presence of Mr Richard Willan and Bryan dayley, desiring Mr Math-
ewes to reade the same in their hearing, whereby they might vnder-
stand what was therein properly belonging to your petr for his tyme
of Service, which the said Mr Mathewes denyed to reade the same
and putt it up, whereupon your petr demanded his Right of wages
according to what the Condition did bind the said Mr Mathewes
vnto, wch was to pay unto your petr, at the expiration of the tyme
therin mentioned the full vallue of ten pounds sterling to be paid in
Cattle wherupon there is one Cowe and one Steere that were marked
for your petr in parte of payment, wch said Cattle with what more
shall surmount to make up the vallue of ten pounds, The said Mr
Mathewes denyeth and detaineth to make payment Wherupon your
petr humbly desireth your honnors to order your poore pef his
Right according to lawe and Justice wherein
Your Pef shalbe euer bound to pray
Thomas Ward aged twenty three yeares or thereabouts sworne in
open Court Deposeth by vertue of his Oath that he read a Condition
betweene the plt and defendt that the plantiffe was to serue the
defendt ten yeares, and at the expiration of his tyme the deft was to
giue ten pounds sterling or the vallue thereof vnto the plt. and if the