Wednesday 20o ffebr, Present as yesterday
The Pit suies the deft for two thowsand pounds Tobacco as by a
Note vnder the hand of the said Thomas Belcher more at large
appeareth (vizt) Captaine Guyther I pray faile not to pay vnto
Captn Tilghman for my use, two thowsand pounds of Tobacco wch
is for soe much goods bought of him here, therefore I pray besure
to make him good payment, for it will much concearne my Creditt,
and in doing this for me you will obliedge Sr
March the 4th 1658 Your freind to Serue you
Tho: Belcher
In presence of Henry Coursey
And upon oath made by the Comprt in open Court that hee was
not paid any parte of the said surhe, The Court Ordered the deft
to pay the said sume of Two thowsand pounds of Tobacco forthwith
with Costs of Suite.
P. C. R.
Feb. 20
Tilghman v.
Mr John
Admr to
Roger Moore Son to Richard Moore late of Patuxent deceased
came this day into Court and complaines against John Hambleton
Reputed Guardian to the Complainant that he does not giue him
Clothes &c. Wch Cause is hereby referred to the County Court to
doe therein what is fitt and iust, And it is further ordered that Mr
William Ewens take into his Care the Complainant, and to furnish
him with such necessaries as is fitting vntill further order from the
said County Court.
Moore v.
The Plantiffe demands Corne and Clothes according to the Cus-
tome of the Countrey after serueing his tyme wth the deft of fower
yeares. To wch the defendt answered that he bought the plt for
Seuen yeares, and there being no Indentures, and by the examination
of one upon oath sworne in open Court that hee heard the plt say
there was Indentures drawne for his serueing yeares, but did not
signe to the same, And the Court haueing referred the matter to a
Jury they retourned their Verdict as followeth
The names of the Jury
Wm Knags
v. Robert
P. 417