Cattle wch the defent shold giue vnto the plt had not bene worth the
said sume to choose two men, and what they should agree, that Mr
Mathewes was to make good the full vallue of ten pounds.
Thomas Griffin aged twenty one yeares or thereabouts Sworne in
open Court deposeth by vertue of his Oath that there was a condition
betweene the plantiffe and defendt and the defendt gaue the prt two
yeares of his tyme, and a Cow Calfe, and in case that this Cowe Calfe
did not amount to the vallue of ten pounds then both parties were to
choose two men to decide the Controversy betweene them, and what
they did agree, Mr Mathewes should giue to make up the full vallue
should be given accordingly
The petition of the said Thomas Hawker being read, & the exami-
nations of both the said wittnesses considered The Court therefore
ordered the deft to pay the petr the full vallue of the ten pounds
according to condition with Costs of suite
P. C. R.
The Complainant sueth for to know by what power he the said
deft purchased a Catch from him for the vse of Mr Brenton of New
England, To wch the deft consents and produces to the Court a lere
from the said Brenton dated the 23th of August 1659 The Court
orders that the said Letter be recorded and Copy thereof giuen to the
Seuerall warrants issued to the respective Sherriffes of the Coun-
ties hereafter mentioned to retourne members to a Grand Jury, who
retourne as followeth vizt
The Sherriffe of St Maryes County
p. 419
p Attorn.
Fakes v.
Hutt deft
Vid 2 letters
entred fo.
408, 409
Grand Jury