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And whereas Captaine Thomas Cornwaleys pretendeth some Right
vnto the said Two hundred acres of land .... These Suite or Suites in
lawe concearning the same, And if in Case the said land be recouered,
by the said Capn Cornwaleys then the said John Bagby and John
Webb is to make their Composition with the said Capt Cornwaleys,
and the said Preston to pay all charges in the Suite, and to surrender
the said land, And if any Tobacco be receiued for the said land by the
said Preston, and the land not proue the said Prestons as aforesaid
that then all such sume or Sumes of Tobacco soe paid or received as
aforesaid shall by the said Preston or his Assignes be repaid back
againe to those to it shall belong. In wittness whereof I the said
Richard Preston haue hereunto sett my hand this Seuenth of October
1654 Signed Richard Preston
Signed and deliuered in the presence of ffrancis Lacie William
It is ordered that Richard Preston shall forthwith pay to the said
John Bagby the Tobacco which he paid the said Preston for the
land in the petition mentioned Together with the said Bagbyes part
of the Costs of Suite expended in the Cause betweene John Bateman
plantiffe, Robert Patrickson, William Mills and the said Bagby defts
concearning the said land.
v. Burdett
To the honnoble the Gouernor and Councell of Maryland
The humble petition of Thomas Trueman Sheweth that vour
petitioner bought of Mr. Burdett ffower Cowes, three young B'ulls,
and two Heiffers to be deliuered at Mr Stanleys Plantation, and your
petr did before his going for England Receiue three Cowes and one
Bull by Mr Burdetts Order, and Spring was twelue moneth Mr
Burdett promised to bring the rest of the Cattle to your petrs Plan-
tation, but being sick neglected it, since which tyme one of the
Heiffers is dead, and since your petr came into the Countrey againe,
Mr Burdett promised to deliuer one at his plantation in the Roome of
that which was lost, and ordered your petitioner to take his other
Heiffer with the rest of the Cattle at Mr Standleys your petr went
up with a shallop to fetch them downe this last Spring, and Mr Stan-
ley denyed to lett your petitioner haue the heiffer, and saith that Mr
Burdett sould her to him, The premisses Considered your Petr
Craues Order that the petitioners owne Heiffer at Mr Stanleys may
be deliuered upon the petrs plantation with her .... yeares milke with