and John Hatch of London — marchant on thother parte, Wittnesseth
that it is Covenanted and agreed by and betweene the said parties
to these presents for themselues their Executors and Assignes that
the said Thomas Harwood, or his Assignes or Company of the said
Shipp shall and will this present intended voyadge fetch or cause
to be ffetched and receiued aboard the said Ship with the Boate or
shallop of the same at and within the places and distance hereafter
mentioned the quantity of thirty hogsheads of Tobacco to be stowed
and carryed in the said Ship to the Port of London Holland or
Zeland as the said Ship shall make her discharge to be deliuered vnto
the said John Hatch his Executors or Assignes the .... of the ....
P. C. R.
and Enemies Executors and Assignes doth Covenant and Grant to
and wth the said Thomas Harwood his Executors and Assignes by
these presents that the said John Hatch his Executors or Assignes
shall and will not onely make ready and provide or cause to be
provided at some place or places at or nere Wiccacomacoe ready re-
ceiued weighed and nayled where the Boate or Shallop of the said
Ship may safely come and not exceeding halfe a myle from the
water side the quantity of thirty hogsheds of Tobacco within thirty
dayes next after arrivall of the said Ship there, And within sufficient
tyme within the said dayes giue notice to the Master of the said Shipp
or his Assignes at what place or places all the said Tobacco shalbe
provided But also shall and will pay or cause to be paid unto the said
Thomas Harwood his Executors or Assignes at such place as the
said Ship shall make her discharge the sume of money or ffreight
hereafter mentioned that is to say if the said Ship shall make her
discharge at London then the Sume of Seuen pounds and Ten shill-
ings of lawfull money of England -p ton, And if the said Ship shall
make her discharge at Holland or Zeland then the sume of Eight
pounds of like money p ton And soe after the same rate for a lesser
quantity then a Ton all at one entire payment upon deliuery of the
said Tobacco to the said John Hatch his Executors or Assignes at
any of the Ports or places aboue mentioned Together also with
primage average & other duties and charges accustomed and to grow
due and payable for or touching the said Tobacco accompting fower
Virginia hogsheds to a Tonn And to performance of the Couenants
and agreements by the said Thomas Harwood to be performed in
all things as aboue he bindeth himselfe and the Shipp Tackle and
ffurniture vnto the said John Hatch his Executors and Assignes in
the sume of ffowerscore pounds of lawfull money of England well
and truely to be paid by these presents And to performance of the
Couenants payments and Agreements by the said John Hatch and his
Assignes to be performed in all things as aboue he bindeth himselfe
his Executors and goods to the said Thomas Harwood his Executors
and Assignes in the like sume of ffowerscore pounds of like money
well and truely to be paid by these presents In wittnes whereof the
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