Peter Mills the same day demands writt to arreast Mrs Ann Ham-
mon in an action of the ....
Warrant mde to the Sherriffe of St Maryes County retorn vt supra.
Augustine Herman marchant this 8th day of ffebruary demands
writt to arrest Maior George Colclough and Eliz. his wife Adminis-
tratrix to her late deceased husband Symon Overzee
Warrt mde to the Sherriffe of Saint Maryes County ret ut supra.
ffobby Roberts this day abouesaid demands a writt to arrest Wil-
liam Greene in an action of debt of 3000l Tob and Caske
Warrant mde to the Sherriffe of Saint Maryes County retorn ut
Thomas Harwood Comander of the Ship Golden Lyon of London
this 9th day of ffebruary demands the ensuing Contract to be entred
upon Record and the Protest made thereon, vizt
This writeing indented made the 25th day of July in the yeare of
our Lord God 1660 Annoqe Caroli 2:12o Betweene Thomas Har-
wood Comannder of the Ship Goulden Lyon of London now bound
upon a voyadge to Puttuxen and Severne in Maryland on thone parte,