408 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1660.
P. C. R.
pties aforesaid to these present writings indented haue interchange-
ably sett their hands and Scales Dated the day and yeare first aboue-
written John Hatch.
Sealed and deliuered in the pesence of Wm Bowne Thomas Wood-
ward his Serut.
Whereas there was a Contract and Agreement indented, made and
Concluded bearing date the 25th day of July 1660 Betweene Thomas
Harwood Comander of the Ship Goulden Lyon of London of thone
parte, And John Hatch of London marchant on thother parte ....
p. 406
his Executors and Assignes .... to be fetched aboard the said Ship
within thirty daies next after arrivall of the said Ship in Potuxen or
Severne in Maryland according ffower Virginia Hogsheds to euery
Ton, And whereas the said Thomas Harwood in the said Ship did
arrive in Patuxent on the 17th day of November 1660 And haueing
remained in the said Riuer and other Places within the said Province
with the said Ship men and Botes in areadiness to receiue and fetch
the said thirty hogsheds on Board the said Ship whensoeuer required
from his arrivall aforesaid vntill this present day, and hath not
yet receiued any Order from the said John Hatch his ffactors or
Assignes, or any Note or Notice from any of them for the receiueing
and fetching of the said Thirty Hogsheds or any parte thereof
aboard the said Ship. Therefore the said Thomas Harwood doth
hereby Protest as well against the said John Hatch his Executors
Admrs and Assignes as against all other persons whatsoeuer And
doth hereby declare that what damage shalbe made appeare to Ensue
for the Non performance of the abouesaid Contract and Agreement
may and shall rest upon the said John Hatch his Executors Adminis-
trators or Assignes according to the tennor of the said Contract and
Agreemt And I Philip Calvert Esquier Gouernor of the said Prov-
ince of Maryland vnder his lop Caecilius Lord Baron of Baltemore
Lord and Proprietary of the said Province Because the Protest
aforesaid was made before me haue herevnto sett my hand, and
caused his said Lops Lesser Seale of the said Province to be affixed
hereunto this 25th day of december 1660 Signed Philip Calvert
Bateman v.
et al.
Mr John Bateman by his letter to the Gouernor demds aspeciall
warrt, wch was granted as hereafter mentioned vizt. Vpon Com-
plaint made unto me by Mr John Bateman that Guy Knowles, and
Richard Armstrong are run away with his Bote. These are therefore
in the name of the Right honnoble the Lord Proprietary to Comand
you imediatly on sight hereof to make dilligent Search and inquiry
for the said persons and them haueing found to keepe in your Safe
Custody untill you bring them before the next Proull Court to be
houlden at Saint Maryes on the 19th day of this instant to answere
the Charge putt in against them by the said Mr John Bateman. As