Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 367
And uppon Oath made by the plf, tht his sd Accompt is true &
iust, & That hee neur yett receiued satisfaction, It is Ordered tht
the plf haue Judgmt agst the deft for the sd some of Twelue hundd
pownds of Tob. & Cask.
Mr Richard Lee, & Richard Wrights Condicon ffor the building
of a Twenty fiue foote howse square wth a Cellar fowre foote in the
grownd| The Posts to stand uppon groundsells all Locust | wth sum-
mer & small Joyce | The first roome to be the pitch of the hall,
wherein I Hue now or thereabouts my Cellar to bee six foote, Light,
& other Conueniences to it) The Roome of the hall pitch, to bee
layd wth sawen boards, the same to bee lathed, to be playstered. The
upper Roome to be layd wth splitt boards ioynted close, wth a window
out of each side. And the stayres to goe up att the end, the same to
bee seald, Two Closetts & Chimney to bee in the hight pitcht roome,
a Porch wth windows to iett out of the roome, ffurther I the sd Rich-
ard Lee doth bind my selfe & assignes to peforme the aboue men-
tioned Condicon unto Richard Wright or his assignes. And further
& the sd Richard Wright doth bind my selfe & assignes uppon the
finishing the abouesd to pay unto Mr Rich: Lee Eight pownds sterling
in goods att the first penny; & tht the sd Lee shall not stay for any
help, tht the sd Wright can make of those hands hee hath att home.
And if the sd Lee shall doe any thing as sawing or mawling or felling
that the, sd Wrights poeple cannot doe, then the sd Wright to satisfy
P. C. R.
the sd Lee for the same. In wittnes whereof wee haue sett our
hands, September the 23th 1658
Rich: Lee Rich: Wright
Testes ffrancis Clay Rice Maddocke.
Vppon dammage of the plf susteyned, The deft not hauing
peformed according to his Condicon & agreemt, It is Ordered tht the
plf haue Judgmt allso for Two Thowsand pownds of Tob.
p. 366
Whereas the plf hath petitioned the Board, Shewing tht the deft
is indebted unto him 1800l Tob, for a Serut & other goods bought
of him, of wch the deft hath payd him 1038l Tob, soe that there re-
maynes from the deft, to the plf to ballance 762l Tob.
The deft sayth tht Capt Samuel Tilghman oweth him 700l Tob,
wch hee is willing to assigne him ouer, for his satisfaction.
James Langworth sworne on the behalfe of the deft, Sayth tht
in his pesence uppon ballancing an acct of about Eleauen hundd
pownds of Tob betweene the deft & Capt Tilghman, say sometime in
ffebruary last, that hee would pay 700l Tob, remayning; due uppon
the Acct to the deft.
To wch the plf sayth That if Capt Tilghman will pay him ready
Tob, hee will accept it, But is not content to take goods for his
Capt Miles
Cooke v.
Mr Robert