P. C. R.
The plf not being pent in Court, But by his Attorney Mr Henry
Coursey who is one of the Wittnesses summoned in this Cause, Or-
dered that the Cause bee respited till next Prouinciall Court, And
further, tht Mr Robt Clearke & Mr Henry Coursey (being lawfully
summoned) giue in their Deposns att this Court, touching the plfs
Calvert Esqr
his LPS
grail v.
Capt Miles
Vid. Order
fol. 320
The plf sheweth how tht according to his Order & appoyntment
from his Lp, hee demanded of the deft, The Fort duties (as is
prouided by Order of Assembly) wch the deft refused to pay. And
thereuppon obteyned Order for Attatchmt.
The deft sayth tht hee did not deny the paymt of the Port Duties,
if in Case his Lp requyred them of him, But being his Lps serut, &
one of his Admiralls here, hee supposeth himselfe not chargeable wth
those Duties. And how that those duties were not demanded of him
according to the Act or Order of Assembly.
Willm Bretton Sayth uppon Oath That hee went in Company wth
Mr Caluert aboard Capt Cooks ship, when hee demanded the Port
Duties. And Capt Cooke sayd tht if his Lp requyred them in Eng-
land, hee would satisfy them. But being pressed by Mr Caluert,
whither hee would giue him his Bill of Exchange into England there-
fore, yea or not, the sd Capt Cooke absolutely refused, & sayd hee
would not, ffurther sayth not.
Zachary Wade sworne in open Court sayth That hee was on board
Capt Cookes ship when Mr Caluert was aboard. And uppon motion
of Mr Caluert touching Port Duties, Capt Cooke sayd That if his Lp
requyred it in England hee would pay it, But hee would not giue
Bond for it here, & further sayth not.
The Gouernor requyreth the Councell to deliuer their Judgmts
seuerally whither Capt Cooks answere were ssufficient yea or noe.
Cott Vtye. Powder & shott ought to haue bene demanded accord-
ing to the Act, & payd by him: & That his answere was sufficient
& the sloope not iustly attached.
Mr Baker Brooke the same.
Dr Luke Barber the same.
Mr Thomas Gerard. That the Sloope ought not to be condemned
or attatched.
Coll John Price. Answere not sufficient: & the sloope iustly
p. 345
Mr Robt Clearke. That the Attatchmt of the Sloope was iust, in
tht Capt Cooke complyed not: nor payd those duties eyther in this
County or in England.
Gouernor. That Capt Cookes answere was not sufficient, ail-
though the Port Duties were to bee payd in money & his Lps Receiuer
demand it.