Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 345
whereunto hee shall be requyred, Touching the Prouinciall Court in
this Prouince.
P. C. R.
Came afore the Board John Maunsell, & declareth how tht his
ffather John Maunsell being lately Deceased, And hee thereby left
Orphane about sixteene or seauenteene yeares of age. Craueth the
Priuiledge of choosing his Guardian, Wch was Graunted him by the
And the sd John Maunsell made Choyce of Capt Willm Euans for
his Guardian.
Ordered tht The sd Capt Willm Euans take out Ires of Admistraon,
& giue in a true & perfect Inuentory of the Estate of the sd John
Maunsell, in behalfe of the Orphane, & an Accompt when euer hee
shall bee therto requyred by the Judge in Testamentary Causes in this
Came afore the Board Thomas Taylor of Patuxt Riuer in Caluert
County, & sheweth how tht his Mother Jane Eltonhead, the Relict
of Willm Eltonhead Esqr, being lately Deceased, & hee thereby left
Orphane about the age of sixteene or seauenteene yeares, Craueth
the Priuiledge of choosing his Guardian, Wch was graunted him,
And the sd Thomas Taylor made choyce of Mrs Jane Eltonhead.
Ordered tht the sd Jane Eltonhead take out Lres of Admistraon, &
giue in a true & pefect Inuentory of the Estate of the sd Jane Elton-
head, in behalfe of the Orphane. And an accompt when euer shee
shall bee thereto requyred by the Judge in Testamentary Causes in
this Prouince
Know all men by these pents tht 1 John Bateman of Patuxt mercht
doe appoynt my louing ffreind Mr Henry Coursey Gent my true &
lawfull Attorney to defend a suite depending in the Prouinciall
Court of Maryland, betwixt mee, & John Bagby & Willm Mills &
others, wth sufficient power in it, as I my selfe could doe. And what
my sd Attorney shall doe I doe by these pents ratify & confirme as
fully as my selfe could doe and to appoynt Attorney or Attorneys as
hee shall thinke fitt. In wittnes whereof I haue hereunto sett my
hand this 20th ffeb. 1659 John Bateman.
Wittnes Rich: Moore
Bateman v.
Bagby and
Whereas att the last Prouinciall Court the plf arrestd Robt Patrick-
son, John Bagby, Willm Mills &c: defts, then shewing by his Petn,
p. 344
how tht the sd parties haue seated themselues uppon his Mannor,
purchased of Capt Tho: Cornewaleys, And whereas it was att that
Court ordered tht Mr Robt Cleark, & Mr Henry Coursey be sum-
moned to this Court to declare their intention & knowledge concern-
ing the Bownds of tht Land now in question.
Vid. fol. 299