Know all men by these pcnts tht I Anne Tilney of the Crosse in
the Prouince of Maryland, & Executrix of Richard Hotchkeyes of
the same place deceased, haue constituted appoynted & ordayned, &
doe by these pents constitute, appoynt & ordaine John Abington of
the place aforesd my true & lawfull Attorney, for mee & in my name,
& to my only use, to aske, demand & receiue all debts, dues & demands
whatsoeur now belonging to me the sd Anne Tillney, & uppon non
paymt to impleade or imprisone any peson or pesons, as my sd At-
torney shall see cause, & uppon paymt made to release acquitt or dis-
charge any peson or pesons as aforesd, as allsoe to pay all iust debts
due from mee, or the aforesd Richard Hotchkeys: & whatsoeur my sd
Attorney shall doe in the aforesd premises I bind my selfe to ratify &
confirme in as ample manner, & wth as much power as all Attorneys
hath or ought to haue, as Wittnes my hand this 12th day of Nouembr
1659 Anne Tillney
Wittnesse Thomas Mathews Hest. Mathews.
The plf sheweth by her Petn, how tht shee sould unto Mr Richard
Hotchkeys her Plantaon in Brettons Bay for 5500l Tob, to bee payd
by him the sd Hotchkeys att one entire paymt, Couenanting wth all
tht the sd Hotchkeys should ship, or carry on board the sd Tob for her
use, wch the sd Hotchkeys did not, & further shee alleageth, tht shee
hath not yett receiued satisfaction for her sd Plantaon, One hogs-
heade of Tob being only discounted for her use, towards the paymt
thereof, wch shee doth allow, & noe more. The deft, by her Attorney,
sayth, tht Mr Hotchkeys (as may appeare by his Booke of Accompts)
hath payd the greatest part of tht Debt, & that there remaines unpayd
not aboue Two hogsheads of Tob, or thereabouts wch the deft is
ready to satisfy.
Cape Willm Euans sworne in open Court Sayth, That by discourse
wth Dr Wade, Mr Hotchkeys, & Mrs [H]ammond, he understood
P. C. R.
v. Anne
there was a Contract, or bargaine made (as he thinks) for 5500
Tob. for her Plantaon & a Bill was passed for the sd plantaon, &
gyuen in Dr Wades name: And tht Mrs Hammond intrusted Mr
Hotchkeys to receiue the Tob. Whereuppon Dr Wade called her foole
for intrusting him to receiue his owne Tob. Hotchkeys himselfe
being then present. And further tht Mrs Hammond gaue Dr Wade
order to deliuer in the Bill to Hotchkeys, then when shee imposed her
trust in him, Because there was a Rumour in the Country that shee
intended thereby to defray or cheate her Creditors.
Edmund Nanfan deposed sayth That there was an absolute bar-
gaine concerning the plantaon, & Mr Hotchkeys promised her honesl
pay for it, & not to fayle her in her Tob, And Mrs Hammond sayc
shee would trust to his honesty.
Ordered tht this Cause be respited till next Prouinciall Court.
p. 346