Wherefore yor Petr humbly desyres, That yor honrs would grant
him an Order for soe much Tob, wth dammages & Costs of suite &
yor Petr shall euer pray &c :
Referred to the County Court Willm Bretton.
The Deposts of John Jarbo aged 40 yeares sworne & examined
in Court Sayth, That Mr Pille bad this Depont tell Mr Hall, tht hee
might dispose of the Tob. if hee would, & further Sayth not.
The Deposn of Robt Sheale aged 30 yeares sworne & examined
Sayth in Court, That there were such hogsheads of Tob, att Mr
Pilles Tob. howse wch went under the notion of Mr Halles Tob, but
whither they were his he knoweth not.
Bridgett Shales aged 35 yeares or thereabouts sworne & examined
the 20th of Aprill Sayth, That being att the howse of Mr Pilles, when
the Seamen came to fetch Mr Halles Tob. Shee heard Mrs Pille say,
shee would goe & stop .... Tob. for they should haue none of it.
Whereuppon (in her sight) .... Tob howse to them, where they
talked uery lowd & the Sea .... wthout it, & further sayth not.
Jurat .... rber.
P. C. R.
The Deposn of ffrancis Beckwith aged 18 yeares or thereabouts
sworne & Examined, Sayth in Court, That being att John Greene-
wells before Easter three yeares agoe, as shee thinketh, The Seamen
came to receiue Tob, wch Mrs Pilles in her husbands name fore-
warned them not to doe. But Mr Hall made answere tht hee would
haue it, in spight of her husbands teeth, & hers to, & further Sayth
Mrs Martha Lewger aged 30 yeares or thereabouts sworne & exam-
ined this 1 8th of Aprill Sayth, That the Boteswaine of Mr Wrights
ship by name Robt Thompson, goeing to Mr Pilles howse to receaue
Mr Halls Tob. the sd Mrs Pilles stopt it in the Ld Protectors name,
bidding him touch it att his perill, ffor shee would haue my Ld
Protectors wart for him, if hee did, or words to this purpose, &
further sayth not.
Jurat Cora, Luke Barber.
Walter Hall declareth in open Court, That the Plantaon was
neyther in Mr Pilles, nor his possesn, but John Greenewells, when his
Tob was stopped by Mrs Pilles.
The Jurors Verdict
Wee find for the plf , wth Costs of Suite
The Court doth Order the deft to pay to the plf Two hogsheads
of Tob. weighing neate six hundd pownds; wth Court Charges, ells
Execuon. A true Copie by me
Roger Isham Cler.
p. 313