340 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659.
v. Mitcheli's
Know all men by these pents tht 1 Richard Hotchkeys Attorney
for Capt Thomas Cornewaleys Esqr doe authorize my lotting ffreind
Mr John Bateman to take any thing out of the Court tending to one
Thowsand pownds of Tob, wch Capt Willm Mitchel oweth to the
foresd Cornewaleys wittnes my hand this present 5th of Octobr 1659
Rich: Hotchkeys
Vid. fol. 243
Whereas att a Court held in Caluert County on the 22th of Aprill,
The plf then sued for one Thowsand pownds of Tob, attatched in the
hands of John Bateman mercht, Wch Attatchmt was then continued,
(tht the Admistrator houe notice gyuen him thereof,) & the Cause
Vid. infra
fol. 324
respited till next Prouinciall Court, And whereas att this Court
[the] plfs Attorney being sick & constituting the sd John Bateman
[his] Attorney, But not sending the plfs Specialty of Capt Willm
Mitchel .... by the Debt may appeare due, & iust, And the sd Mr
Bateman req[uests] tht eyther the sd Attatchmt be taken of or
Judgmt to proceed ther .... that he is Responsable to other Credrs to
tht Estate in Virginia.
It is Ordered (the sd Admistrator neyther att this Court, .... mer,
holden as aforesd, appeering by himselfe or Attorney) That ....
bee sent downe to the County Court in St [Maries] County; & tht
the plf [by him]selfe or Attorney makes his .... appeare due. And
.... passe therein.
p. 312
Hall v.
This Cause is sent up by the Clerke of the County Court of St
Maries County as followeth (Viz)
Att a Court held att New Towne 2 Ith June 1659
Pnte Dr Luke BarberCapt Willm Euans
Mr Willm Barton
Mr Tho: Mathewes
Mr James Langworth
Mr Rich: Banks
This Cause being referred from the Prouinciall Court, a Jury is
impanelled, & ordered to try the Cause, who are as followeth (Viz)
Walter Pakes
Willm Boreman
Willm Edwin
Tho: Philips
Rich: Bennett
John Walton
Rich: Neuett
Patrick fforrest
Willm Styles
Tho: Belcher
John Washington
Tho: Carpender.
To the honWe the Gour & Councell of the Prouince of Maryland
The humble Pet" of Walter Hall Sheweth That whereas yor Petr
hauing Two hogsheads of Tob. att Mr Pilles Tob. howse: & goeing
wth Seamen thither to pay them the Tob, Mrs Pilles did forwarne the
Seamen they should not meddle wth it, & would not lett them carry it
away, where now it hath layen this two yeares, to the great dammage
of yor Petr