P. C. R.
Hitherto the Proceedings in the County Court.
In the Prouinciall Court as followeth. Whereas Mr John Pille
hath made complaynt to mee, That .... depending in St Maries
County Court betweene him & Walt[er Hall] of New Towne, there
was contrary to Law & Custome a .... whereof Seuerall were
neyther Inhabts of tht County .... & doth therefore desyre That the
Judgmt gyuen .... ing noe law full Jury, may be arrested, & the
whole .... [be] fore the Prouincial Court.
These are therefore in the Ld Proprs name to .... [ar]rest the sd
Judgmt, & to giue not [ice] to the .... concerning this suite up to
the .... Walter Hall, tht there .... taken in the Prouince ....
command you to sum[mon] .... [re]quyre you, for the answere
P. 3r4
the contr .... Court ensuing the date hereof returne this yor writt.
Gyuen under my hand this 4th of July Ao 1659 To the Sheriffe or his
Deputy. Josias ffendall
To the honble the Gouernor & Councell &c :
The humble Petn of John Pille Sheweth, That whereas yor Petr
att the last Prouinciall Court held for this Prouince was arrested to
the sd Court by Walter Hall, Att wch time yor Petr being imployed as
a Juror, in the seruice of the Lord Proprietary, the sd Walter Hall
procured a Reference out of this Court to the County Court, un-
knowne to yor Petr & uppon tryall there gott a Judgmt agst yor Petr
for 600l of Tob. uppon suspition of stoppage of two hogsheads of
Tob, by yor Petrs Wife, Wch supposed stoppage being alleaged by the
sd Walter Hall att the last Prouinciall Court to discount wch yor Petr
was adiudged noe stoppage uppon the Oath of Mrs Hammond. And
yor Petr had an Order graunted for the full summe hee sued for,
Wch sd oath of Mrs Hammond, allthough taken in the County Court
doth not appeare uppon the Copie of the Records, Wch sd oath was
most pertinent to ouerthrow Walter Halls plea. And the Jurors
hauing it not to consider of, yor Petr conceiueth was the cause the
Verdict was brought agst him. And allso yor Petr sheweth tht
hee findeth uppon the Copie of Mr Jarboes Oath, That the words
Hee knoweth not what Tob. wch were attested in Court, are not in
the Copie of his oath. And yor Petr further sheweth that Two of the
Juror wch were impanelled att tht County Court, were not Inhabit-
ants wthin this Prouince; & one, nott of the County, And one of the
sd Three suddenly after the Verdict Reported tht I had a greate deale
of wrong. And yor Petr conceiueth hee hath sufficient Cause of
accon agst him & hee lyuing not in the Prouince hath not opportunity
to sue him. And allso conceiueth tht Mr Halls Euidence doth in noe
wayes proue his Petn, & yor Petr humbly prayeth tht the Judgmt att
County Court may bee reuoked, & hee may haue a rehearing of the
Busines or ells nonsuite, & yor Petr shall pray &c :