Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659.
ffriday 7th of Octobr 1659.
P. C. R.
Oct. 7
Josias ffendall Esqr Gour Capt Willm Stone
Mr Tho:Gerard
Dr Luke Barber
Mr Baker Brooke
Coll Nathan: Vtye
Mr Edward Lloyd
Whereas att a Prouinciall Court held the 3d of March last, An
Attatchmt agst the Estate of Jaruise Dodson was then continued, to
the intent the sayd Dodson might haue notice thereof, & put in his
answere to tht Claime. And whereas likewise att the Court held the
22th of Aprill following, It was Ordered tht a Serut of the sd Dodson,
then under Attatchmt, & in the Sheriffes Custody, should bee put into
the plf s hands or possesll, & him to keepe till the last day of Nouember
following: To the intent likewise the sd Dodson might afore tht
prefixed time, appeare, & make proofe, whither the plf hath iniured
him in this her Clayme, or not? (as by both the sd Orders of Court
may more att large appeare) And whereas the sd Dodson hath not
made his appearance att eyther of the sd Courts by himselfe or his
Attorney; nor made any Enquiry or iust Clayme after the sd Seruant
since in Complyance wth tht former Order Court on the 22th of Aprill
as aforesd.
It is therefore ordered That Capt Nicholas Gwyther Sheriffe (in
whose Custody the Serut now is) deliuer the sd Seruant unto the
v. Dodson
Vid. fol. 213
Vid. fol. 233
fol. 346
The deft sayth, tht hee was not summoned, & therefore denyeth
to make answere att this Court to this action. Ordered therefore tht
this Cause be respited till next Prouinciall Court. And tht the Gour
giue Commisn to Mr Edward Lloyd, or some other (as hee
thinke fitt) to admister Oath to Capt Robt Vaughan att .... to
examine uppon such Interrogatories, & the deft .... Charge wth.
Hewes v.
Capt: Willm
Whereas Philip Morgan was requyred by the Sheriffe of Ana-
rundall to assist him, in apprehending Thomas Thurston, according
to Order of the Councell published on the 23th of July last: wch com-
mand of the sd Sheriffe hee refused to obey; And was thereuppon
warned or summoned by the sd Sheriffe to attend, & make his appear-
ance att the Prouinciall Court to bee holden att Anarundel on the
3d of August following, Wch Command likewise the sd Morgan
disobeying, & in contempt (as is supposed) of the Gouermt absented
himselfe, & appeared not uppon the sheriffs lawfull summons att tht
Court, as hee ought to haue done. And it appearing to the Board, a
Contempt, in the sd Morgan in not obeying such lawfull authority,
It is therefore Ordered tht the sd Philip Morgan bee fyned, & pay to
the Lord Proprietary One Thowsand pownds of Tob & Cask.
General v.
p. 311
Vide 3 Md
Arch. Coun.