P. C. R.
hee heard, that the Seruants in the howse were agst it, whereuppon
this Depont councelled him, not to take her away priuately, in not ac-
quaynted his master wt" it; But first acquaint his sd master, & hauing
his good will, hee did not know any of the seruants would bee agst it.
Vppon tht the sd Henry did take him this Depont by the hand, promis-
ing him That as hee hoped to bee saued hee would not take her away,
wth out first acquaynting this Deponts master wth it, & had his good
will in it. And when the sd Henry Mitchel did take away the sd
Grace Molden, or att what time of the night; or how her apparell, &
lynnen; her Box & her desk; and other things shee tooke wth her
were conueyed out of the howse this Depont knew not of, And
further Sayth not.
Jurat Coram Sampson Waring
Willm Ireland aged 25 yeares or thereabouts sworne & Examined
Eod. die Sayth, That hee did know there was loue betweene Henry
Mitchell & Grace Molden, That he this Depont did speake to the sd
Grace of it, But shee denyed it, That Henry Mitchell acquainted him
wt it, & told him tht hee heard the Seruants of the howse were
agst it. And this Depont desyred the sd Henry to tell him, wch
Seruants those were: But the sd Henry refused to tell him, & further
sayth not.
Jurat Coram Sampson Waring.
Was called afore the Board Grace the now Wife of Henry Mitchel
& Examined. And the sd Grace confidently declared, tht Henry
Mitchel did not Steale her away (as the Court is informed) But
rather more willingly shee went away wth him; then hee did wth her :
for that shee was before tht time resolued to marry him, bearing loue
& affection to him, And it not appearing by any of the Deposts
shewen in Court, that the Deft did steale away his now Wife (Grace
Molden) And the plf not able to make further proofe thereof, The
Deft craues an nonsuite wch was graunted him.
The Court adiorned by the Gouernor till to morrow att .... after-
To the honble the Gouernor & Councell &c :
p. 310
v. Dodson
The humble Petn of Anne Hammond Sheweth, Whereas yor Pef
did att the last Prouinciall Court held for this Prouince Recouer an
Order for Attatchmt agst a seruant of Jaruise Dodson. And whereas
it was then Ordered tht if the sd Dodson did not appeare att this
Court, That yor Petr should be possessed of the sd Seruant
Yor Petr therefore humbly craueth Order for the sd Seruant, &
Satisfaction for his last yeares worke, &c :