hee was One that surprized this sayd ship or Vessell att the Barbados
uppon noe other Commission, then uppon the Act Touching Trade.
That comming from thence by Antegoe, they brought the sd Vessell
directly to this Riuer. As concerning the master of the Vessell, hee
sayth That hee was treated Ciuilly by him, & the rest; But did not
proffer the sd Master the Vessell soe surprized by him againe.
The Examn of James Mountioy, taken &c:
P. C. R.
This Examd acknowledgeth in open Court what is sayd by him in
his Exaon taken by the Gouernor 31 May, & Reexamined sayth That
after hee wth the rest of the Company had surprized this Vessell,
they brought her away from Barbados into this Riuer, intending here
to make their markett to their best aduantage.
The Reexaminaon of Mathew Benham &c :
This Examd Sayth That hee was one of the Company tht surprized
this Vessell att the Barbados, & goeing in a Boate there, they layd
her on board. That for his owne part hee had noe Commisn for
taking her; neyther knoweth hee whither any other of the Company,
who surprized her had, any Commisn to Justify them therein or not.
It appearing by the Examinaons & confessions of all the foresd
parties That they wthout any Commisr had seized the sd Vessell,
uppon prentence tht shee belonged to Amsterdam. And neyther
bringing the master, nor any One Dutchman of her Company, nor
the Cocquetts, whereby it could be made clearely appeare to what
place shee belonged; But only soe far forth as the Oath of Richard
Stockdale (who is an Englishman) is ualid, who protends hee was
one of the Company, shipped on board her att Amsterdam, & taken
in her att the Barbados.
Vppun Coiisideiaon whereof, & of the Order prescribed in the
seuerall Acts of Parlt for the prouing of shipps to be lawfull prize.
wch by the sd Prisoners hath not bene obserued, The Court doth Judge
That the ship called the St George of Amsterdam, & her freight,
brought into this prouince by the sd Prisoners be seised into the hands
Vid. sup.
fol. 270
of the Lord Propr, And tht if wthin a yeare & a day noe lawfull right
bee made appeare, That then the sd Vessell wth all her freight, ap.
parell tackle & furniture bee adiudged lawfull prize, & tht in the
interim the goods in her bee appraysed.
The Court adiorned by the Gouernor till to morrow morning att
ten of the Clock, att Capt Stones att S(tMaries.
These are to Authorize & Requyre you to empanell a Grand Jury
of 24 men to enquyre of Certaine fellonies Committed agst his Lps
rule & Gouermt. And Returne this writt by to morrow Ten of the
Clock att the Court att Capt Stones howse. Gyuen under my hand
& Seale this 2d day of June 1659.
To Capt Nicholas Gwyther Josias ffendall #
Sheriffe of St Maries County.
p. 274