310 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659.
P. C. R.
June 3d
Att a Court held att St Maries att Capt Willm Stones howse 3o
Junij 1659.
Josias ffendall Esqr Gour | Capt Willm Stone
Philip Caluert Esqr Secr | Coll John Price.
Sheriffe Returnes his writt & warned for Jurors
Mr Henry Coursey
Mr Thomas Mathews
Mr Richard Willan
Mr Mathew Stone
Mr Nicholas Yownge.
Mr Willm Boreman
Robert Macklin
Willm Eale,
Daniel docker
Willm Hewes
Willm Waring
Christopher Joanes
Vincent Attchison
fforker ffrizell
John Nicholds
Walter Waterlin.
Lett it be enquyred for the Lord Proprietary, Whither Richard
Galey, Nicholas Salmon, Thomas Barrett, James Mountioy, Mathew
Benham, George Lyne, Peter Janson did not uppon the third day of
May 1659 wthin the Poynts of Carlyle Bay, in the Island of Bar-
bados, the ship called the St George of Amsterdam there ryding att
anker, from Jacob Dirreckson feloniously take & carry away, agst
the peace of his sd Lordship his rule & Gouermt.
fforeman Returnes Verdict, Endorsed on the Backside of the Bill
of Inditemt, & Jury all agreeing & consenting (Viz) Ignoramus to
this Rule & Gouerment.
It appearing to the Court by the seuerall Examinaons of all the
foresayd persons, That they did surprize the Vessell St George, &
her lading att the Barbado's wth out any Commis" therefore uppon
p. 275
pretence that the sayd Vessell & Goods were law full prize. Yett for
want of Sufficient testimony & power to take cognizance of the sd
ffact, as done wth in this Jurisdiction the sd persons, cannott bee
condemned therefore. And further for thlt the sd persons, are danger-
ous & turbulent, & apt to rayse mutiny & sedition wth in this Prou-
ince, if they be together & permitted to remaine in the Prouince. It
is therefore Ordered tht the sd persons bee forthwith banished, &
expelled this Prouince. And not to returne hither againe wth in
ffowre months uppon such penalty and censure as the Gouernor &
Councell shall thinke fitt to impose in case any the foresd persons
shall presume in Contempt of this Order of Court, to returne into
this Prouince againe, afore the time limitted as aforesd.
Whereas att the Prouinciall Court held in March last, the next
Prouinciall Court was appoynted to bee holden in Anarundell County
the 20th of this pent month of June, Wch by reason of the distance
of the place, & sundry other accidents and occasions happening can-
not be conueniently kept on the prefixed day, The Gouernor therefore