General v.
Was called afore the Board Capt Richard Husbands, & taxed for
uttering certaine factious & mutinous speeches agst the Gouernour &
Gouermt of this Prouince, whoe uppon his ill behauiour & unruly
comportmt is committed into the Sheriffes Custody. And uppon his
complyance & better comportmt for the future is dismissed.
Re The St.
Vppon the Informaon as aforesd the Prisoners being all present
were called, & Examined.
The Exaon of George Lyne one of the Company taken uppon the
Ship called the St George of Amsterdam uppon suspition of Pyracy.
This Examd Sayth That hee was one; who surprized this Vessell
att the Barbados. And ttt the sd Vessell did belong to a ffleming
there, That they came aboard her in a wherry Boate, wch they hyred
there that the sd Vessell rid allmost of the Barre, wth two Anchors
downe, & that they cutt both the Cables when they went away.
The Examn of Peter Janson one of the Company taken &c: This
Examd Sayth That hee was borne in Norway, & did belong to one
Capt Courtman that sayled out from Amsterdam, & by reason of his
ill usage, hee left the sd Courtman att Barbados. That hee knew the
master of this Vessell wch hee surprized, lyuing att Amsterdam,
That hee mett wth this Company att the Barbados, where they agreed
to surprize this Vessell; & accordingly did doe it. That they in-
tended to sayle up & downe in her, for ffashion-sake, because they
were Saylors bread. That they did not stay att Antegoe, because
they durst not, hauing putt the Master there on shoare. That hee
cutt one of the Company, wch they tooke in her, ouer the face, wth a
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Back-sword, because hee steared a wrong Course, & would haue
carryed the Vessell back againe to Barbados. And being asked
whither they intended to goe, after they went from this place, Sayth
That they would haue fownd one place or other to haue gone to.
The Reexaminaon of Thomas Barrett, one of the Company taken
aboard the sd Vessell uppon suspition &c: This Examd Sayth, that