304 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659.
wth a Slitt in the Right eare, & the left eare underkeeld & the top of
the sd eare cut of) wth all their male & ffemale encrease for euer.
Reseruing only the Bull Calfes arysing of the foresd Cattle to my
selfe, my Executers admistrators or assignes, for the care of tending
& looking to the sd Cattle, & their encrease, & maintenance of the sd
Cornelia during her minority. But in case it soe happen thk any
peson or pesons shall goe about, or endeauor to sue molest or trouble
mee the sd ffrancis for any other Estate for her the sd Cornelia, pre-
tending to belong to Cornelius Abrams her sayd ffather Deceased,
ouer & aboue the sd Cattle hereby by me gyuen. I doe then hereby
declare this my sd Gwift to bee voyd & of none effect. And further
if in case the sd Cornelia shall happen to dye before shee atteins the
age of ffowrteene yeares That then the sd Cattle here mentioned are
to returne to mee the sd ffrancis my heyres, Executers, or Assignes
as aforesd. Wittnes my hand this 19th day of Aprill 1659
ffrancis B. Armestronge
May 12th
Re Willan's
Came Richard Willan gentn & doth acknowledge to haue gyuen, &
doth hereby giue & make ouer unto his Daughter Elizabeth One
Black Cow about fiue yeares old named Mopsey, & one yeareling
Black heyfer (marked wth a hole in the right eare, & the left eare
undersquared, wth a nick cutt in under the square) wth all their female
encrease for euer, & is to aduance her a portion. But in Case the sd
Elizabeth should happen to dye before shee attayneth the age of
fowrteene yeares, then my Will & intent herein is, tht the sd Cattle wth
all their encrease as aforesd, returne & bee to mee the sd Richard, &
my heyres & not otherwise.
Allso the sd Richard Willan doth hereby giue conuey, & make ouer
unto his Daughter Grace one Browne Cow calfe, about halfe a yeare
old (marked as the former, wth this distinction only, That the nick
wch is cutt in under the square of his Daughter Elizabeths marke or
p. 268
cattle, is here on his Daughter Graces' cutt in on the fore or upper
part of the left eare) wth all the female encrease for euer & is like-
wise to aduance her a portion. Prouided as afore, tht if in Case shee
the sd Grace happen to dye, & atteyne not the age of fowrteene yeares ;
Then the sd Calfe wth all the encrease arysing thereon to returne, &
bee, to me & my heyres as aforesd & not otherwise.
Recogn Willm Bretton. Rich: Willan
May 13th
Chew v.
Samuel Chew demands warrt agst George Peake in an accon Debt.
Wart to the Sheriffe of Caluert County to arrest &c: Ret. next
Prou: Court to be held in Anarund. County 20th June
Chew v.
Samuel Chew demands Wart agst George Peak in an accon Case.
Wart to the Sheriffe of Caluert County &c: Ret. ut supra.