Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 303
giuing and graunting mee Samuel Tilghman of London Mariner the
full third part or parts of all Wracks or fforfeitures wthin the sd
Prouince committed below high water marke. And whereas Mr
Daniel Hutt of New England hath wthout Commisn gone Contrary
to the Law of the 3d Prouince, & traded wm the Indian Inhabitants
thereof, Whereby his Vessell called the May fflowre became prize, &
stands Condempned through his the sd Hutts default.
Now know all men by these pents tht I Samuel Tilghman as
Admirall aforesd doe for the Consideraon of Two Thowsand fower
hundd pownds of Tob by me receiued of Dauid ffereira as the
ualue of Thirty pownds sterl, bargaine, sell, alien, & for euer Conuey
unto the sd Dauid ffereira his heyres, Execute", Adrhistrators or
Assignes all my Right, tytle & interest of the Third part of the sd
Vessell, wth the third part of all Anchors, Cables, rigging, Sayles,
boates, goods, wares, & merchandizes whatsoeuer belonging or ap.
purtayning to the sd Vessell, And I doe on the behalfe of my selfe,
my heyres, Executers & Admistrators warrant the sd third part unto
Dauid ffereira his heyres or assignes for fiueteene months after the
date hereof. Wittnes my hand & Seale this 2d day of May 1659.
Samuel Tilghman
Se + ale.
In the pence of Henry Coursey Edward Packer.
P. C. R.
Mr Peter Bath demands Wart agst Tho: Champian, in accon
Detinew wart to the Sheriffe of St Maries County to arrest &c: Ret.
Prouinciall Court to be holden in Anarundell County 20th June next.
Bath v.
These pents wittnes tht I Mathew Smith Planf in Patuxt Riuer,
doe hereby sell, alienate, assigne & make ouer unto Thomas Hopkins
& Robert Hopkins ioyntly & seuerally, them or eyther of them Two
Cowes & One heyfer (marked in the right eare wth a slitt downe in
the eare & a peice cut out before, & the left eare Cropd) And I the sd
Mathew Smith bind mee my heyres to beare harmelesse the sd Thom-
as Hopkins & Robt Hopkins, their heyres or assignes from any tytle
right or interest from the sd Mathew Smith or Arthur Manship his
Wife, or his Children. Wittnes my hand the 18th of January 1656
James Veitch Mathew C Smith
Jos Hambleton. Elizabeth A Smith.
Re Smith's
Dermott ffenine recordeth his marke (Viz) The right eare under-
keeld. The left eare Cropt & underkeeld. I ffrancis Armestronge
of Caluert County in the Prouince of Mary-Land doe acknowledge
to haue gyuen, & doe hereby giue, conuey & marke ouer unto Cornelia
Abrams, Daughter of Cornelius Abrams Deceased One Cow named
Nancy, & one yeareling heyfer called Brownings heyfer (marked
Mrk. Cattle
p. 267
Re Arm-