Provincial Court Proceedings, 1659. 301
to see appraysed. And allso to any other peson or pesons in what may
concerne his sd Office. Gyuen under my hand this 25th of Aprill 1659
Philip Caluert
To Mr John Norwood.
P. C. R.
Capt Sampson Waring & James Veitch demand Writt of Attatch-
ment agst the Estate of Capt Wm Mitchel deceased for 2000l Tob.
Writt to the Sheriffes of St Maries & Caluert Counties to attatch
&c: Ret. next Prou: Court to bee holden in St Maries or Caluert
Counties aforesd.
Waring et
al. v. Mitch-
ell's Estate
Vid. fol. 320
& fol. 370
Richard Smith demands wart agst Thomas Carye in an accon of
Writt to the Sheriffe of Caluert County to arrest &c: Ret. next
Prouinciall Court to be holden in Anarundell 20th June.
Summons to idem to warne Daniel Golson, Peter Joy, Martha Joy
& Anthony ————— to testify in ditt Sub. 500l Tob each, Ret ut
Aprill 28th
General v.
Writt of Exequuon issued to the Sheriffe of St Maries County att
the request of Capt Thomas Cornewaleys agst the Estate of Dauid
ffereira for 600l Tob according to Order of Court, fol. 182
v. Fereira
Dauid ffereira demands writt agst Capt Samuel Tilghman Accon
Case, Summons, &c :
May 5th
Fereira v.
This Day came Patrick Hinderson & acknowledgeth to haue giuen
& doth hereby giue & make ouer unto Richard Sudborough one
Cow Calfe about a yeare & halfe old (marked wth a hole in each eare,
& the right eare Crop't & Two slitts in the Crop) wth all itts encrease
both male & female, to him the sd Richard Sudborough & his heyres
for euer.
Recogn in open Court Willm Bretton.
Re Hender-
son's Calf
John Knap enters Caueat agst ffrancis Armestrong Admistrator
of the Estate of Cornelius Abrams, & demands out of the sd Estate
450l Tob. wch he is ready to proue.
James Atchison aged 31 yeares or thereabouts Sayth, tht in march
last was Tweluemonth, Two of Cornelius Abrams seruants did come
unto this Deponts howse unto John Knap for some Bacon. And the
sd John Knap did deliuer Bacon unto the sd Seruants: but the quanty
hee doth not well remember. But to the best of his remembrance it
was one hundd & fifty pownds weight & further sayth not.
Jurat Coram Hugh Stanley.
Knap v.
p. 265