likewise att the Prouinciall Court held att St Maries the 3d of March
last a Easpeciall writt or Commisrs was directed to Coll Nathaniel Vtie
& Edward Lloyd Esqr, Joseph Wicks & Capt Robt Vaughan gentn.
The wittnesses touching the foresd Dammages & Costs dilligently to
examine & the Examinaons into this Prouinciall Court, distinctly &
clearely to send, Together wth their Opinions, what uppon the prem-
ises is fitt to bee done, (as by the sd Order & Writt may allso ap-
peare) make returne thereof as followeth (Viz)
To the honble the Gour & Councell
Whereas a Commisn (bearing date the 3d of March 1658) was
directed to Vs from yor honours to heare matters of difference
betweene John Salter plf & Thomas Sowth & Thomas Hinson defts,
& hauing dilligently examined the premises doe humbly make Our
Report as followeth, ffirst as Touching the damages alleaged by the
sd John Salter agst the aforesd Thomas Sowth. Wee apprehend the
sd Sowth is not lyable to satisfy any damages uppon former accounts ;
by reason the sd Sowth held his posses" by Order of Law, Wch sd
Order wee haue hereunto annexed.
Concerning the Charge of building & clearing alleaged by the
defendts, We thinke it may bee ballanced by damage clone unto the
As for all other differences (brought before us) depending be-
tweene the sd parties or eyther of them, They did willingly com-
pose betwixt themselues
Aprill 4th 1659 Sealed & Signed by
Nath: Vtie Sealed by
Edw: Lloyd all Three
Robt Vaughan Seuerally.
I agree & consent to the Report & Opinion rendered aforesd If yor
honrs shall Judge the foresd proceedings, wch they call Order of Law
to bee legally graunted according to formality in Law. The Order
being not graunted by sworne Judges. And the Grownds of the sd
Order as is expressed to bee only possesn wch the sd Salter was pos-
sessed wth all att tht time Josh Wickes
Se X ale.